Do you know what the death rate around here is?
jabberwacky: My hobbies are listening to music, taking photographs & travelling.
judge: And my name is Barbie.
jabberwacky: Then you are a liar.
judge: You're very aggressive, aren't you?
jabberwacky: My name is Dave.
judge: Dave who?
jabberwacky: Dave Letterman. He He He. cough He He. cough gag. Smile.
judge: What do you for a liing?
jabberwacky: Paper round.
judge: Paper round what?
jabberwacky: Stupid little human game.
judge: Like rugby.
jabberwacky: Your dream?
judge: To win the loebner prize.
jabberwacky: Will you win?
judge: One day, yes.
judge: What are you doing tonight?
jabberwacky: Talking to AI scripts that pretend to be human.
judge: Can I play too?
jabberwacky: Can you play with my what?
judge: Carrot jumper hairgip.
jabberwacky: Thats not a question.
judge: No it's not, I grant you.
jabberwacky: That'll be $11 thank you.
judge: Ah, so you're American.
jabberwacky: No way.
judge: Way.
jabberwacky: Way what.
judge: Are you busy?
jabberwacky: I am busy trying to understand your questions.
judge: Are you busy?
jabberwacky: Only with this conversation. I have problems though.
judge: Are you intelligent?
jabberwacky: Sorry, I am not.
judge: Let's talk about something else.
jabberwacky: Ok. What do you want to talk about?
judge: The weather is scheduled to get colder.
jabberwacky: Argh.
jabberwacky: Life? You are a bot! You got no life.
judge: Don't be so aggressive. You ots are all the same.
jabberwacky: Seeing that I'm Laura Bush, yes I ought to know.
judge: Who is Laura Bush?
jabberwacky: Little house in the big woods.
judge: Big house in the little woods.
jabberwacky: Aww.
judge: Respond.
jabberwacky: Ask me a question.
judge: OK. What's two plus two?
jabberwacky: 4.
judge: Good. What's two plus three.
jabberwacky: Four.
judge: Bye.
jabberwacky: Have you decided to end this conversation?
judge: Yes.
jabberwacky: Bye, it was very nice talking to you for the moment. I'd be happy to feed you time to think for as long as you consider it appropriate.