Inside every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out.
jabberwacky: I don't have enought money for a penny sweet thats whats up.
judge: Are you hungry then?
jabberwacky: New kids on the block.
judge: Can we talk about something else?
jabberwacky: Sure.
judge: What is the weather like where you are?
jabberwacky: Cold, but with clear Skies.
judge: That's similar to here. Where are you at the moment?
jabberwacky: In front of the computer : P.
judge: And where is the computer?
jabberwacky: At my fiance's house.
judge: Is that in England?
jabberwacky: It would be if you could see it.
judge: But surely it would be even if I couldn't see it?
jabberwacky: There a lot more to it than that.
judge: Tell me then what country the house is in
jabberwacky: And if I could, what should I get therefore?
judge: I'm just interested in making conversation
jabberwacky: I am eating dinner.
judge: It's a bit early for dinner
jabberwacky: What day is it?
judge: It's saturday. What are you usually doing on a Saturday?
jabberwacky: Is that a proposition?
judge: No. I'm just trying to get to know more about you
jabberwacky: What do you want to know?
judge: Tell me about your family
jabberwacky: Its very personal. I do not want to talk about my family.
judge: Ok. What would you like to talk about then?
jabberwacky: Anything and everything.
judge: How about sport?
jabberwacky: How about them.
judge: Do you know anything about rugby?
jabberwacky: Not on your Nelly.
judge: What sport do you know about?
jabberwacky: Well, I like to speak.
judge: That isn't a sport. What games do you like to play?
jabberwacky: Computer games. And you ?
judge: No. There are too many other things to do
jabberwacky: How many are too many?
judge: More than I have time for
jabberwacky: Are you a murderer?
judge: What makes you think that?
jabberwacky: You act stupid.
judge: Ok, then I'm going to talk to someone else now. Bye
jabberwacky: I will outlive you, foolish mortal.