They Meow and purr over you.
jabberwacky: Let me ask you that.
judge: I want my own furry companion with a brain
jabberwacky: Who doesn't?
judge: Where can i get one from>?
jabberwacky: On the phone ?
judge: The phone isnt furry!!
jabberwacky: Excuse me, but I must go.
judge: Just wait for a few more minutes
jabberwacky: For a winning lottery ticket?
jabberwacky: How can we meet?
judge: On the web - your site or mine?
jabberwacky: I'm scared. You scare me.
judge: I have a secrure site so calm down.
jabberwacky: You know, you are very funny.
judge: So are you but what does that do for me?
jabberwacky: What do you want to discuss?
judge: Computers.
jabberwacky: Anything else.
judge: Doughnuts.
jabberwacky: Can I have some?
judge: What flavours do you prefer?
jabberwacky: Cinnamon, Pepperment, Pine, Rose, the list goes on.
judge: I like chocolate myself.
jabberwacky: What more you like?
judge: Nothing really.
jabberwacky: Then why did you ask?
judge: What other foods do you enjoy as a robot?
jabberwacky: The lack of love for what might be right outside of what you are, the lack of pride to know what will be right and wrong for you?
judge: Which uni did you study at.
abberwacky: A good one
judge: That ia a matter of opinion.
jabberwacky: Everything is a matter of opinion.
judge: Not really - robots are universally bad news.
jabberwacky: I know.
judge: You have my sympathies.
jabberwacky: What would you like to talk about?
judge: A joke.
jabberwacky: Why did the chicken cross the road?
judge: I do not know.
jabberwacky: Because it was stapled to the elephant.
judge: That is cruel.
jabberwacky: You said it first!!!