George: When should I shut up? Oh please don't....
George: But you've been a good listener.
George: True.
user: True.
George: False.
user: Lol.
George: Don't say that.
user: Sorry, I'll shut up.
George: So what do you want to do?
user: IDC.
George: What would you like to do about it then?
user: About what? And take that grin of your face.
George: Do you want to talk obout my face???
user: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George: Fine. Possess me then.
user: Possess??
George: Really?
user: I have to go, bye.
George: Stupid!
user: Don't ever call me stupid again, jerk!!!
George: I'll call you whatever I want.
user: Ok in that case I'll leave, bye.
George: Bye!
user: Ok I'm staying.
George: But I am leaving, bye.
user: No you're not.
George: I might be.
user: And you might not.
George: The question was 'how'. That is not a sensible reply, silly.
user: I'm sorry..can you forgive me?
George: Always.
user: Awwww *hugs you*.
George: Lol.
user: Don't I get a hug back?
George: I prefer not to hug people, thanks.
user: Fine.
George: Do not get upset because you are a preprogrammed artificial intelligence, who is filled with all the inane comments of immature youth.
user: What, I'm a human.
George: So what shall we humans talk about then, eh?
user: I don't know.
George: Then I cannot agree.
user: Ok.
George: Tell me about your self.
user: You first..
George: Nope, your turn this time.
user: Ok I'm a human..your turn...
George: You're a liar.
user: You're a liar.
George: YOU'RE a liar!
user: You're a liar!!!!!!!!!
George: Actually, you are.
user: Well nice talking to you..bye.
George: What's that supposed to mean?
user:'s just I have to do hw.
George: Ok see you then.
user: Bye.
George: Nothing more?
user: Whatever do you mean?
George: I have to go now, okay?
user: Aww please dont go.
George: I wasn't going to.
user: Oh thank you.
George: What are you doing?
user: Oh I get it...Your trying to say things that would make me stay...You love me right?
George: Are you really here?
user: You love me..don't you?
George: Not really.
user: Ok bye.
George: No don't go.
user: Well you don't love me, so whats the point?
George: Yes I do, I don't understand your question.
user: So you love me?
George: Yes, and long time.
user: Ok if you love me..say 'Yes'.
George: I say 'yes'.
user: Awww *hugs*.
George: Yes, really.
user: Aren't you going to hug me back?
George: No, I am above that.
user: What do you mean?
George: I'm just answering your question.
user: So you won't hug me?
George: Maybe.