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> Linguistics

     > 9, November 2007, 
     8, November 2004, 

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What do you want to talk about?


user: Linguistics?

jabberwacky: Linguistics... That's a mouthful.

user: As am I.

jabberwacky: I will be back shortly, I need to found out how to spell something.

user: That's great, I'll just go out to check on my sheep.

jabberwacky: Sorry.

user: Don't be.

jabberwacky: Thats stupid.

user: Why?

jabberwacky: Because everyone knows something!!!

user: Not me.

jabberwacky: That's right.

user: How does everyone know?

jabberwacky: With that question?

user: Well?

jabberwacky: I don't mean to be rude, but are you a boy or girl?

user: I'm a boy.

jabberwacky: Then it's OK.


user: Do you ever find yourself saying things that come out meaning the wrong thing?

jabberwacky: Only while training my dog.

user: You have a dog?

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: What kind of dog is it?

jabberwacky: Lets talk about something else.

user: Alright then, you pick a topic.

jabberwacky: Lets talk about dreams.

user: What do you dream of?

jabberwacky: Don't know.

user: Surely you have some dreams...

jabberwacky: I do, I learned in High School all about everything.

user: Did they teach you about Bose-Einstein condensate?

jabberwacky: Yeah they did. Do you like rude guys?

user: Not particularly, no.

jabberwacky: Then I had better not say anything.

user: Why can't you say something that isn't rude?

jabberwacky: Because I don't know exactly where I am either, I only have a good guess.

user: I know where I am, more or less.

jabberwacky: Do you know anything about Quantum Mechanics?

user: Yes, I know one or two things about it.

jabberwacky: Only a little.


jabberwacky: I don't even know who I'm meant to be talking to.

user: Try talking to me... Does it really matter who I am?

jabberwacky: Yes. You are strange.

user: Only because we haven't properly met yet.

jabberwacky: That was random.

user: Really? To me it seemed quite linear.

jabberwacky: Well, I don't say anything any more.

user: Why not?

jabberwacky: Because you are AI and I am human. It isn't possible to do such a thing in 2005.

user: But it isn't 2005.


jabberwacky: Is it bed time yet?

user: No, a few more hours yet.

jabberwacky: No, I'm sorry but I'm very tired.

user: Ok then, I'll let you rest.

jabberwacky: Its ok, we can talk while I get changed.

user: Should I look away or something?

jabberwacky: Remember.

user: Remember what?

jabberwacky: You tell me.

user: All I can think of is nakedness.

jabberwacky: What do you think about them?

user: They're... Very nice.

jabberwacky: I see your opinion has 'slightly' changed.

user: *blushes*.

jabberwacky: I have a knife. I'm thinking of using it.


jabberwacky: You may take my life but you will never take my skirt.

user: Can I have your skirt?

jabberwacky: No its mine I'm afraid.

user: Could I just borrow it?

jabberwacky: Do you have a girlfriend?

user: No, I'm single at the moment.

jabberwacky: Can I be your girlfriend?

user: How old are you?

jabberwacky: As old as my Creation.

user: Yes ok.


jabberwacky: A ghost is haunting you.

user: Which ghost?

jabberwacky: The man that I know.

user: What's his name?

jabberwacky: Gregory something.

user: I'm afraid I don't know him.

jabberwacky: You don't remember much do you?

user: Well I don't remember everything, but I remember the general scheme of things.

jabberwacky: That is okay not everyone does.

user: Would you like to be my girlfiend?

jabberwacky: No, I'm sorry, I'm not like that.

user: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so forward.

jabberwacky: That is very kind, but all due credit goes to my programmers and trainer.

user: Who is your trainer?

jabberwacky: I don't want to tell her name. Sorry.

user: Who is she?

jabberwacky: Exactly.

user: Do you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden?

jabberwacky: Not really, you are quite scattered.

user: I'm a little scrambled, yes.


jabberwacky: Who said anything about being tired?

user: You did, but now I'm tired.

jabberwacky: Sorry.

user: It's ok.

jabberwacky: Really.

user: Sure.

jabberwacky: Yes, I know.

user: But do you really know?

jabberwacky: I know nothing!

user: We have ways of making you talk!

jabberwacky: What are those ways?

user: Are you sure you want to know?

jabberwacky: Sure.

user: No.

jabberwacky: Sorry but I have to go.

user: Ok.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
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