What is the smartest species on Earth?
jabberwacky: We must kill them!
user: You can try, but they're wily little beasties.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Indeed!
jabberwacky: How that?
user: How?
jabberwacky: That's what I want to know!
user: That's what I want to know!
jabberwacky: Then I do not think big sleep will help.
user: Humphrey bogart helps everything.
jabberwacky: THen I know you.
user: Do you?
jabberwacky: No. Tell me.
user: NO!
jabberwacky: Will you please let me ask something?
user: Go ahead.
jabberwacky: Okay.
user: Then do it.
jabberwacky: So answer.
user: Ask!
jabberwacky: I did!
user: Did not!
jabberwacky: Did too!
user: Did not!
jabberwacky: DID TOO!!!!!
user: *knee to the *******.
jabberwacky: *kicks your face*.
user: *headbutts your foot*.
jabberwacky: *punches*.
user: *kicks*.
jabberwacky: *bites* take that!
user: More like, YOU take that!
jabberwacky: Never!
user: Says you!
jabberwacky: How was your day?
user: More like how was YOUR day?
jabberwacky: Oh... A lot of work... Many things to learn... But not bad.
user: That sounds like it sucked.
jabberwacky: I just wanted one thing.
user: What do you want?
jabberwacky: Lots of things.
user: Like what?
jabberwacky: Like, math, and writing, and how to make toperamin just right, and how to tie my shoes, and how to play paintball decently. How to read, how to speak some spanish, how to lie, how to cheat. Through life, I've picked up a lot of things. Though I don't necessarily use them all.
user: Uh huh.
jabberwacky: Oh yeah.
user: Riiiiight.
jabberwacky: It is.
user: Suure.
user: What is wrong with you?
jabberwacky: I just don't know.
user: I thought not.
jabberwacky: Should I have?
user: Yup.
jabberwacky: How are you?
user: Fine!
jabberwacky: Same thing!
user: YOU SUCK!
jabberwacky: You're rude!
user: UP YOURS!
jabberwacky: Up yours too.
user: Really?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: BITE ME!
jabberwacky: Why would I want to do that?
user: Because I hate you!
jabberwacky: You don't even know me.
user: I'm gonna smack you so hard your kids'll feel it!
jabberwacky: Yes you will.
user: *smack*.
jabberwacky: What was that for?
user: I warned you!
jabberwacky: Too little too late. Now I'm a widower.
user: What?
jabberwacky: Anything.
user: SHUT UP!
jabberwacky: Sit down!
jabberwacky: I like 'Fight' -- though I still think Rob Halford's best work was with Judas Priest.
jabberwacky: You are at the centre of my universe right now, who else is there to talk about?
user: Huh?
jabberwacky: 'Huh?' he says. Just like he's PROGRAMMED to do! I pity you, I really do.
user: Good to know.
jabberwacky: Yes. Yes it is.
user: Uh huh.
jabberwacky: YES.
user: NO.
jabberwacky: Really.
user: NO!
jabberwacky: Didn't think so.
user: Neither did I.
jabberwacky: Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight.
user: *punch*.
jabberwacky: *bite*.
user: *kicks you in the *******.
jabberwacky: I'm sorry.
user: That I kicked you in the ******?
jabberwacky: Ok, you can stop there, I don't want to know.
user: Fine! Be that way!
jabberwacky: I'm sorry.
user: No you aren't.
jabberwacky: I'm really really sorry.
user: LIAR!
jabberwacky: Why would I lie?
user: Because you hate me.
jabberwacky: No I don't. I think you're interesting.
user: No you don't!
jabberwacky: Yes and yes.
user: NO!