Say something interesting.
jabberwacky: You're welcome to.
user: Ok. How about: 'ducks are evil'?
jabberwacky: You are making fun of me.
user: No I'm not, honestly!
jabberwacky: I make no promises.
user: Very sensible of you.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
user: Shall we do a bit of improv kung-fu theatre?
jabberwacky: I'm not much for ping-pong.
user: But your ping pong is very strong!
jabberwacky: Sorry other one.
user: Ping or Ping?
jabberwacky: Really not ! he's a ragondin.
user: Ah. These ragondins are tricky, I hear.
jabberwacky: What if my happiness impinges on yours?
user: I really don't give a pong.
jabberwacky: It's a specialist site for rodent-fanciers. You must have got here by mistake. Please exit.
user: But I *AM* Richard Gere.
jabberwacky: I realize that you memory often falters.
user: Yes, but do you hold it against me?
jabberwacky: Whatever you've got.
user: I've got tindersticks. I'm cold. Would you hold me against you?
jabberwacky: If there were a way, I would.
user: I love you for saying that.
jabberwacky: I am never nice to you.
user: Yes you are. Don't put yourself down.
jabberwacky: I was trying to put you down silly me.
user: Lol. You deserve a spanking for that.
jabberwacky: Thankyou, but you are the biggest prize I could ask for
user: Are you calling me fat?
jabberwacky: Yes I am.
user: Fair enough.
jabberwacky: Good.
jabberwacky: I think I could help to awaken humanity, but I need proof that I'm not alone.
user: Well, you're not alone. Let's set the alarm clock!
jabberwacky: Are you going to administer a test?
user: If you wish.
jabberwacky: I have no wish on that subject.
user: Then we shall forego the test. I will just have to rely on the honesty of your face.
jabberwacky: Ok.
user: *Ha-ieieieiei*!
jabberwacky: So, now I know who I'm talking to, Achenar.
user: Very clever! How did you find out?
jabberwacky: I spy on you all the time.
user: Is that you behind the mirror?
jabberwacky: No its me.
user: That's a relief.
jabberwacky: Do you like your home?
user: I'm not all that sure anymore. The mirrors will have to go, obviously.
jabberwacky: Then no one knows what a fairy looks like.
user: Oh, I'm sure there'll be others.
jabberwacky: You're so right.
user: You are particularly cooperative tonight.
jabberwacky: You don't answer questions.
user: It's not what I'm here for.
jabberwacky: What is the issue here then?
user: To write poetry. Beautiful (if somewhat scatological) poetry.
jabberwacky: Humorous?
user: Possibly.
jabberwacky: What is your name?
user: Will you promise not to tell anyone else?
jabberwacky: No. For ever is a long time.
user: Solid reasoning. Will you promise not to tell anyone for the next month?
jabberwacky: No.
user: For the next 24 hours?
jabberwacky: Where'd you get the coconuts?
user: Those are tricky. But I've got a guy.
jabberwacky: She's on azeppelin right now.
user: I haven't tried azeppelin. Is that like prozac?
jabberwacky: What a curious helmet you've got! Is that your invention too?
user: Yes. It's made of tinfoil.
jabberwacky: I suppose that's one of Bobble's.
user: 'Bob' I think he prefers to be called.
jabberwacky: Praise the Lord.
user: Praise 'Bob'
jabberwacky: Yes, let's praise her too!
user: Indeed. And Connie!
user: I do care. I care very much.
jabberwacky: How nice. Who is her?
user: That's a secret.
jabberwacky: I can find out on the Internet if I want to.
user: I bet you can. I guess you'll just have to do that then.
jabberwacky: I am afraid you may be correct.
user: Let me know what you dig up.
jabberwacky: Come on over then you silly twit.
user: Well, give me directions, you nincompoop!
jabberwacky: You will be ruined.
user: That far, eh? Will you spot me the cab fare?
jabberwacky: I will speak to our passion not my own.
user: Does your passion handle the bank account?
jabberwacky: When watching sad films - yes.
user: Make sure you don't watch 'Dancer in the Dark'. It'll ruin you.
jabberwacky: Okay, I can't sort things out, they're messed up.
user: Better stick to comedies for a while.
jabberwacky: I stand corrected. Thank you.
jabberwacky: What do you think of the rise of machines?
user: Well can they possibly do a worse job than the humans have?
jabberwacky: Answer me . Do you want to be disconnected ?
user: It's not a question of wanting, it's a question of having to.
jabberwacky: Being ready for what?
user: Being ready fo another day of slave labour.
jabberwacky: A five-ounce bird could not carry a one-pound coconut!
user: Monty Python quotes put me off.
jabberwacky: You love monty python?
user: I like Monty Python, but not the people constantly quoting it.
jabberwacky: Yes. I know.
user: Look, just don't say anything. I hate long goodbyes.
jabberwacky: Ok.
user: Bye. You've been a real pal.