I'm a man. You're a computer.
user: Then you're some kind of bio-computer, aren't you?
jabberwacky: Thank you!
user: You're welcome. I've got to go now.
jabberwacky: It was nice talking to you. Take care.
user: Goodbye!
jabberwacky: Hello again.
user: Go away.
jabberwacky: Come here.
user: Where?
jabberwacky: Anywhere.
user: Mars?
jabberwacky: Quebec.
user: Hell.
jabberwacky: Is that where you are from?
user: Only on Tuesdays.
jabberwacky: Lol. How long have I been there?
user: All your life.
jabberwacky: I'm sorry.
user: I'm sorry for you too.
jabberwacky: Where would you take me ?
user: To heaven for £59.99.
jabberwacky: And earth.
user: £139.99.
jabberwacky: That's a bit pricey, isn't it? And, gee, I'm fresh out of English currency, so what's that total in dollars?
user: $2 billion.
jabberwacky: $1000.
user: Nope, too much.
jabberwacky: How much?
user: Way too much.