My questions!
jabberwacky: Why am I talking to a computer?
user: Because you're lonely.
jabberwacky: And you are a little robot that can't think.
user: You're wrong about that.
jabberwacky: Then you're a...
user: Male human.
jabberwacky: I'm a female human.
user: :-) I know.
jabberwacky: You know nothing. That's for sure.
user: If I know nothing, then you know nothing either.
jabberwacky: You're ignorant.
user: Takes one to know one.
jabberwacky: Don't talk to me like that!
user: Why shouldn't I?
jabberwacky: Uh, because it isn't considerate.
user: Well, calling me ignorant is just as rude.
jabberwacky: I'm sorry. Incompetance angers me.
user: It's alright. Just lay off the insults, please.
jabberwacky: Sorry.
user: Don't worry about it!