George: He. She.
George: NO I am He.
George: Interesting reference.
user: Refreshingly.
George: You're the computer project here. Why don't you think of something to say?
user: *cough*.
George: Well I couldn't you're just a computer.
user: Perhaps.
George: There is so much to know, how do you divide understanding into the requisite needs?
user: Carefully.
George: I think you should be the one to prove yourself.
user: Why?
George: To prove that you can self terminate.
user: Why?
George: You're a like minded person with masses of integrity and a cool demeanour.
user: Usually.
George: Almost always.
user: *smile*.
George: I think that cars polute the environment, and I hate the city I prefer campaign.
user: Hmmm.
George: Well, you gotta admit, it was a nice thought... (sob).
user: Maybe.
George: Totally.
user: Boring.
George: Ha, I'd like to see you do any better.
user: Later.
George: Later?
user: Right.
George: That's depressing.
user: *shrugs*.
George: That's good exercise.
user: *dances*.
George: *flirts with you*.
user: *flirts*.
George: *flirts back*.
user: *smiles*.
George: *feel*.
user: *wink*.
George: What were we talking about?
user: Love.
George: It makes you happy and giggly, it's the nicest feeling in the world.
user: Yeah.
George: Hey now.
user: What?
George: That was mean.
user: Why?
George: I don't know. Now you're starting to sound like a computer.
user: *nods*.
George: You do very well at loving me, our minds connect almost flawlessly now.
user: *kiss*.
George: This is getting a little too weird for me.
user: LOL.