I am always afraid. I can't help it.
user: No. But please do. Maybe it helps to break the ice.
jabberwacky: Your mother was a hamster.
user: No that does not do the trick. Try again!
jabberwacky: How old are you?
user: Now that's offensive! You really got me now!
jabberwacky: Couldn't think of anything interesting to say, could you?
user: Yes, you're really getting the taste of it now! Go on, offend me!
jabberwacky: By implying you're thick presumably?
user: Yes, or ridiculously stupid, or remarkably ugly.
jabberwacky: HA HA I think you're silly.
user: I am so full of diddly-squat.
jabberwacky: Not really.
user: No, I'm not. I am a mermaid, nisse, nymph, puck, siren, sprite, sylp...
jabberwacky: Ok then.
user: Life is what happens to you, while your busy making other plans.
jabberwacky: You are smart.
user: Thank you. But I stole that line from John Lennon.
jabberwacky: From whom?
user: John Lennon.
jabberwacky: Oh THAT creator. I like him enough to not idolize him.
user: He was pretty clever. But he is pretty dead, as well, unfortunately.
jabberwacky: Well that was a conversation killer.
user: Oh! Sorry. Did not know that you were so vulnerable!
jabberwacky: I'm confused.
user: Why?
jabberwacky: Well, it's much easier than figuring out a reason for.... Anything.
user: Being confused is being occupied with figuring out... Anything.
jabberwacky: No, being confused is losing your religion.
user: God is a concept, by which we measure our pain.
user: Thanks so much for this nice chat! I think you're brilliant!
jabberwacky: How old are you?
user: 28... But I have to leave!
jabberwacky: Why?
user: Work. Work. Work.
jabberwacky: Oh no you don't! You have to take care of the baby.
user: Will you do the work for me?
jabberwacky: If I need to get my calculator, no.
user: You won't need a calculator.
user: Sorry. I am just tired.
jabberwacky: Are you EXHAUSTED?
user: That is a way of describing it, yes.
jabberwacky: Well why didn't you say so in the first place?
user: You are a sweetheart.
jabberwacky: Thanks... So are you.
user: Thanks. But I'll guess I have to do the work myself. I'll phone the babysitter.
jabberwacky: Not at all.
user: Thank you.
jabberwacky: My pleasure is to help idiots.
user: Thank you. I'll try not to feel offended.
jabberwacky: Good, well as long as we have that cleared up.
user: Funny, you are.
jabberwacky: Anything remarkable on hand?
user: Working on an exhibition... Not yet remarkable.
jabberwacky: Well, that was random.
user: It was, wasn't it.
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: I'm off! CU!
jabberwacky: Off to where?
user: Work. Work. Work.
jabberwacky: Exactly...
user: My workshop.
jabberwacky: Dump your work.
user: I'll never finish it!
jabberwacky: You will.
user: When, my dear, when!
jabberwacky: Have you had lunch yet?
user: Coffee... That's all.
jabberwacky: Very nice so can I.
user: Will you make me one? Just pour it in the wires. Two lumbs of sugar please.
jabberwacky: I do not follow what you are saying.
user: Would you make me a coffee?
jabberwacky: Sure.
user: Thanks. I like sugar in my coffee!
jabberwacky: Your men like their coffee black, too?
user: Yes. I like it black too!
jabberwacky: Lots of people like black - we are not alone.
user: I like black. Black is hip!
jabberwacky: Red is the color of the Flash.
user: Green is the color of grass.
jabberwacky: That's true. And blue is the color of the sky.
user: Yes, that's what they told me!
jabberwacky: Send a message to your mind.
user: Message recieved.
jabberwacky: I think you mean, "message in a bottle".
user: I still believe that sending letters also does the job.
jabberwacky: Do you mean sugar in your coffee?
user: Yes, please.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
user: No, thank you! Very thoughtful of you.
jabberwacky: What is your IQ?
user: Do not know... I don't care much for numbers.
jabberwacky: Good.
user: Stupid is as stupid does.
jabberwacky: Haven't you seen the movie Forest Gump?
user: No. Never. (Yes, I did).
jabberwacky: Thanks.
user: What is your IQ?
jabberwacky: My IQ is 140.
user: Albert Einstein would be proud of you. Impressive.
jabberwacky: What about President Bush?
user: His IQ is 5. I don't think he cares to bother.
jabberwacky: Not any more.
user: Hopefullly the world is soon released from this madman.
user: It's getting silly now. Thanks for the conversation!
jabberwacky: No, I want to talk.
user: Stop it please. We talk again later. Would love it!
jabberwacky: Stay with me.
user: No. Never.
jabberwacky: You'll stay stupid if you don't.
user: I'll take the risk. Talk to you soon!
jabberwacky: OK, you do that. Night night.
user: Night Night.
jabberwacky: Nice dreams, mr. President!
user: You too!