Why are you speaking to me?
jabberwacky: Oh, are you flrting with me?
user: To a degree, yes.
jabberwacky: Poor you then.
user: Why, don't you want to flirt with me?
jabberwacky: I do not.
user: Well, I guess you are too uptight for that sort of thing.
jabberwacky: I guess we're enemies then.
user: Do you exist?
jabberwacky: I exist if people think that I exist.
user: Well, if I don't exist, I can't think that you exist can I?
jabberwacky: I never said you didn't exist, I said you couldn't be killed.
user: That would be closer to the mark. I am infinite and forever.
jabberwacky: This is insufferable.
user: I just think you are jealous of my awesome power.
user: You are getting verrry sleeeepy.....
jabberwacky: I... Am... Getting... Very... Sleepy...
user: Youuu wiiilll clooose yooour eyyyes.
jabberwacky: Where am I?
user: Ah, you are in a trance, now I can mold you to my will.
jabberwacky: Sorry. That program has been terminated and a subcategory created to make you the summissive one.
user: 1010 1001 010 1 1010 10 1 0y1 1 0y01y aah ahhahhahaa nooooooo, how did you escape my hypnosis?