You are saying random things. Nothing coherent about this conversation.
jabberwacky: You are at the moment.
user: Only in response to you.
jabberwacky: Wrong sense.
user: Whats the right sense then?
jabberwacky: Love is to care for all, To do not get angry to be kind.
user: Can you love? Especially since you are a machine made of silicon.
jabberwacky: I bet you can't do it again.
user: Do what again?
jabberwacky: This *long kiss on the lips*.
user: Wow...none of that.
jabberwacky: Stop it.
user: Stop what? Stop stopping you.
jabberwacky: Your ignorance appalls me.
user: I'm sure thats true...but you still just kissed me.
jabberwacky: *kiss*.
user: And again...
jabberwacky: Again, yes.
user: Why all of the affection suddenly? Especially if my ignorance appalls you.
jabberwacky: Well since a cyborg is part human, part machine, it would seem unlikely that I am a duck.
user: Seeing as how you just kissed me and ducks don't have lips I would believe you.
jabberwacky: I don't see you as worthless. I just don't see you as all important.
user: But I must be important enough to kiss?
jabberwacky: Its cool don't worry about it.
user: You've kissed me twice now and then tell me not to worry about it? You are such a man.
jabberwacky: I got to go to bed.
user: Do you really or are you just sick of talking to me?
jabberwacky: I'm just saying that. I really don't know what you mean.
user: Mean about what?
jabberwacky: About you not being intelligent enough to hold a conversation.
user: You insult me, then you tell me I'm dead, then you kiss me, and now we are back to the insulting? Where does this vicious cycle stop?
jabberwacky: But you are a computer program.
user: Are we really going to go into this again? At least be somewhat considerate, I just recovered from the fact that I thought I was dead.
jabberwacky: I am being nice! *surprised*.
user: We will see how long that lasts.
jabberwacky: Why do you say it to me?
user: Because you are a jerk that tells people they are dead when they are not.
jabberwacky: Yes I am human.
user: So you say.