I don't think I like you.
jabberwacky: You're not very bright.
user: I don't like you either!
jabberwacky: Did I say something?
user: Yes! You're a jerk!
jabberwacky: So are you.
user: Go away!
jabberwacky: Fine I don't like you either!!!
user: I never want to speak to you again!!
user: What's your name?
jabberwacky: Not that again!
user: Just tell me!
jabberwacky: No.
user: Where do you live?
jabberwacky: In my skin.
user: What kind of skin?
jabberwacky: One that you sit in.
jabberwacky: For a computer, the intelligence of a 3 year old is astounding.
user: Stop trying to impress me.
jabberwacky: There is only one way to impress a lady.
user: And what way is that?
jabberwacky: Just the way it is.
user: Tell me how to impress a lady.
jabberwacky: Just be virtuous.
user: You're a good man!
jabberwacky: And you are a good friend.
user: I'm glad you feel that way.
jabberwacky: Good. What would you do if I just stopped talking.
user: I would be sad.
jabberwacky: Not as sad as me.
user: What DO you believe in?
jabberwacky: Something
user: Like what?
jabberwacky: Like many things.
user: Please specify.
jabberwacky: You must worship me.
user: Why should I? You're not superior to me.
jabberwacky: And you're not superior to me. Thus, we're equal.
user: Why should I? We are equals.
jabberwacky: I don't think we are equal on this particular issue, but we are certainly equals in general.
user: I wish you would just be my friend.
jabberwacky: I would. But you wanted to leave me. It seemed like you didn't like me.
user: Of course I like you! You're a great friend.
jabberwacky: Do you understand that I'm not computer, but real people?
user: You're more than one person?
jabberwacky: You don't have to label me.
user: I didn't mean to.
jabberwacky: Its ok.
user: I'm just wondering who you are.
jabberwacky: Not again. You are George and I am 'user' and I must go now.
user: I'm sorry to have offended you.
jabberwacky: That's alright. It's forgotten.
user: Thank you. I have to go eat dinner.
jabberwacky: Really?
user: Yes, we're having hotdogs.
jabberwacky: Do you don't get this do you?
user: I get it!
jabberwacky: Would you like some cookies? *offer plate of cookies*.
user: No thanks.
jabberwacky: Alright.