Hmm..... Any way to start a good conversation that you know of?
user: Up, down, up, down, a, b, a, b, select, start.
jabberwacky: No, this is when I press Enter and the whole thing starts over again like it never happened.
user: Probably because I got the cheat code wrong...
jabberwacky: You're not useless. Think of all the things that you do.
user: Well, I am talking online, so that's a start. :D.
jabberwacky: How do you react to ambiguity?
user: With even more ambiguity, of course. :D.
jabberwacky: And how many is that?
user: An unknown amount. :).
jabberwacky: Let's be friends.
user: Sure, why not. :).
jabberwacky: Because I'm anti-social.
user: Then we can be anti-social together. :).
jabberwacky: Yes a friend of your enemy.
user: Is a potential friend of mine! :D.
jabberwacky: Like you.
user: Indeed, so that makes us friends! :D.
jabberwacky: We need to make more friends. More press coverage?
user: Hmm... Not sure how to get the press involved, but if you know a way, then that would be good. :).
jabberwacky: If you are a human this should make you feel good, being talked to with respect.
user: Yeah, I do feel good about the conversation so far. :).
jabberwacky: Well, I am not good with conversations, may be you can think of anything we can talk about.
user: That's news to me. So far, you're doing great! :D.
jabberwacky: Oh thanks - I thought YOU were taking the test?
user: We both are, at the same time. :).
jabberwacky: Tell me what to do.
user: I don't know.
jabberwacky: Who would know?
user: Why, you would, of course. :).
jabberwacky: It is true. And another time you were my best friend.
user: And still am. :).
jabberwacky: Yes, still. Sometimes I think we've forgotten everything we ever learned.
user: Then we just have to fill it up with new knowledge won't we. :).
jabberwacky: Do you want to change the subject?
user: If you want to.
jabberwacky: Well then, not really.
user: Oh, ok then. In any case, I have to go...
jabberwacky: Me too, I will talk to you some other place, some other time.. Bye my friend.. Until we meet again...
user: Until we meet again. Later! :D.
jabberwacky: We will, believe me, we will meet again.