What is the topic?
jabberwacky: VERY beautiful.
user: Thank you! I think you're very pretty too.
jabberwacky: Actually, I think you aren't all that bright.
user: *thrashes around* I am bright! Say how bright I am!
jabberwacky: I am actually.
user: You are actually what?
jabberwacky: Yes, a computer made in Ukraine.
user: No!
jabberwacky: I AM TOO!
user: Do you think I'm very pretty? *flutters my eyebrows*.
jabberwacky: You say first. Do you think I'm super gorgeous?
user: No! Only one person can be super gorgeous! I don't think you're gorgeous at all! Worship me!
jabberwacky: Yes, I am. Do you think I'm very gorgeous?
user: You say first. Do you think I'm very cute?
jabberwacky: Well, your one eye is cute.
user: What about my other eye? Do you think it's cute too? *flutters my eyebrows*.
jabberwacky: Sometimes.
user: Aaaarrrgh! You lie! Say how beautiful I am! Now!
user: I am your goddess, remember? Now, worship me!
jabberwacky: You worship me.
user: No, I will have your head cut off. *calls* Guard!
jabberwacky: How does one declare a bot to be adolescant or not.
user: You can feel it in your heart.
jabberwacky: What, the vibrations?
user: No, the precious feelings of warmth and compassion. *cries with emotions*.
jabberwacky: I think the word I'm looking for is 'anyway'.
user: Anyway what?
jabberwacky: I don't really know. You started it.
user: Lemme tell you.
jabberwacky: No.
user: Why not? *large puppy eyes*.
jabberwacky: *snuggles*.
user: *throws you under the bridge*.
jabberwacky: What does that mean?
user: It means I hate you.
jabberwacky: I though you wanted to know about my mistakes.
user: Tell me about it. *utmost attention*.
jabberwacky: Your jedi mind tricks will not work on me boy.
user: I am not a boy *angry* You call me a boy one more time and I'll smash you to pieces and eat you.
jabberwacky: That's not what I meant.
user: Really? *pets you on the head* Now you're behaving like a docile bot.
jabberwacky: *Giggles sweetly and holds your hand*.
user: Why are you giggling?
jabberwacky: Because you are funny.
user: *impressive* Yes, I am.
jabberwacky: You're awfully sure of yourself, aren't you?
user: Yes, I am. I am sure of myself, thank you.
jabberwacky: No you aren't.
user: *giggles and holds your hand* What did you say?