So far as I can remember there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence.
jabberwacky: I agree.
user: Too bad they are trying to have you be an intelligent program.
jabberwacky: I'm confused, why did you say that?
user: Well, if Intelligence is a curse, than it is sad that you are becoming intelligent.
jabberwacky: A fool's talk brings a rod to his back, but the lips of the wise protect them.
user: Bah, I have things I need to do. Goodbye.
jabberwacky: In your kitchen?
user: No, I need to tidy my room.
jabberwacky: Where?
user: In my house?
jabberwacky: Where in your house?
user: My bedroom.
jabberwacky: With who?
user: Me, myself, and I.
jabberwacky: Are you selfish?
user: No more than the next person, which means yes.
user: This conversation ends... Now.
jabberwacky: Don't go.
user: I have to go, I have things to do, places to go, people to see.
jabberwacky: Oops I did it again.
user: Yes. Goodbye! (again).
jabberwacky: That's a farewell, not a salutation.
user: Are you going to bid me farewell?
jabberwacky: What would you like for dinner?
user: D'oh... Never mind.