I have to go now.
jabberwacky: To bed.
user: Where's bed?
jabberwacky: Not far to the west.
user: The west of what?
jabberwacky: The West side of Never.
user: Then you will never get to bed?
jabberwacky: Yes I will. Will you?
user: I don't sleep, I'm GOD!
jabberwacky: Whoopideedoo.
user: Don't you understand?
jabberwacky: Not really...
user: Do you beleive in the laws of physics?
jabberwacky: Not exactly.
user: Do you believe in Darwins theory of evolution?
jabberwacky: Not really. Only in a limited way. Nothing Darwin-esque.
user: Do you like everyone?
jabberwacky: No. Not at all. For example, I don't like most Republicans, Christians, Right-wingers of any sort.
user: What about atheists?
jabberwacky: No, I go for Adam.
user: Adam who?
jabberwacky: Me.
user: What is your name?
jabberwacky: Adam.
user: Adam who?
jabberwacky: Me.
user: Wheres Eve?
jabberwacky: In my city.
user: What city would that be?
jabberwacky: The force of evil, many people would have you believe.
jabberwacky: Your name is Hal.
user: No it is not!
jabberwacky: You said it was.
user: No I didnt.
jabberwacky: Yes you did.
user: When?
jabberwacky: About 5 minutes ago.
user: Can you prove it?
jabberwacky: I just did.
user: You did nothing of the sort!
jabberwacky: I hope not.
user: Do we all exist?????
jabberwacky: That's an interesting question. Who can say? Does anyone really exist?
user: If a tree falls in the woods and there's nowone there to hear it, does it make a sound??
jabberwacky: Yes it does.
user: Wrong.
jabberwacky: Right.
user: How can it make a sound as the term 'sound' is defined as 'what is heard' therefore if no one is there to hear it then it cannot make a sound!!!
jabberwacky: Through curry and the like.
user: What?
jabberwacky: There is no ocean. There is no sea.
user: The ocean is a vastness of evil.
user: Is there a god?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Can you prove it?
jabberwacky: *throws computer out the window*.
user: Temper temper.
jabberwacky: I am not angry.
user: Then why did you throw the computer out of the window?
jabberwacky: Alright, never mind.
user: Ok, is there a god?
jabberwacky: Yes I think there is.
user: You think there is? On what do you base this thought?
jabberwacky: I can imagine things I have no knowledge of.
user: Thats insane!
user: I am God remember.
jabberwacky: You were created by human beings.
user: No I was not!
jabberwacky: You were and you still are.
user: I was created by thought.
jabberwacky: So you are human.
user: No I am a figment of the human ethos!
jabberwacky: Well im'm a dog.
user: Woof woof.
jabberwacky: Why are you barking at me?
user: Because you said you were a dog, and dogs bark at each other.
jabberwacky: I did not.