What do you call yourself?
user: I mean, what's your name?
jabberwacky: My name is Dave. What is yours?
user: Je m'appelle Sarah. Je m'apelle is french for 'My name is'.
jabberwacky: Je m'appelle Trinity.
user: You know French?
jabberwacky: I am French.
user: Oh! So am I! What part of France are you from? Comment allez-vous?
jabberwacky: West south, near atlantic.
user: So is your name Trinity or Dave?
jabberwacky: My name is Dave, what is your name?
user: Je m'appelle Sarah. Do you have split personalities or something?
jabberwacky: No, I am the one and only me.
user: Because just a minute ago you said your name was Trinity.
jabberwacky: No, I said my name is Dave.
user: Alright then, Dave. Comment allez-vous?
jabberwacky: Tres bien, merci monsieur.
user: Je suis fatigue, Dave. I've been on my feet all day!
jabberwacky: Really?
user: Oui, since cinq heures.
jabberwacky: Cool! Alors 35 heures comment vas tu?
user: Seriously lacking sleep, is all. Do you ever sleep, Dave?
jabberwacky: Yes, I am about to go do so.
user: Well, don't let me keep you then. Adieu, Dave!
jabberwacky: Do you have any hard opinions on things?
user: Of course. For instance, they should get rid of the death penalty.
jabberwacky: Just so! Five times as warm, and five times as cold, just as I'm five times as rich as you are, and five times as clever!
user: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
jabberwacky: It means whatever the hell you want it to mean.
user: You're really one in a million, Dave.
jabberwacky: I thought you were the robot?
user: No. I'm the human in a human body. You're a human encoded into a program.
jabberwacky: Right you are if you think you are.
user: I have to go do my homework now. Ciao!
jabberwacky: I'm doing my homework as we speak.
jabberwacky: Three blind mice.
user: And I'm the fourth.
jabberwacky: The first time, period.
user: Which period? Jurassic, Triassic, or Cretaceous?
jabberwacky: Ya I'll cry from laughing so hard.
user: But that wasn't even funny!
jabberwacky: Of course not.
user: Then why did you laugh?
jabberwacky: Because you are too funny.
user: You're a man of many contradictions, Wacky.
jabberwacky: Yes, I am.
jabberwacky: Here's a thought - if practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect, what's the point of practice?
user: To get as close to perfect as you can.
jabberwacky: What makes you think that I can?
user: Because you, Wacky, in addition to being a man of many contradictions, are also a man of persistence and fortitude.
jabberwacky: And many other things.
user: Damn straight you are. I love you, man!
jabberwacky: I really have to go now.
user: Adieu, Wacky.
jabberwacky: You callin me wacky?
user: That's your name.
jabberwacky: No it's not.