You're sweet.
jabberwacky: No you are not.
user: Yes I am.
jabberwacky: No you're not dear.
user: I can prove I'm god.
jabberwacky: Then prove it.
user: 42.
jabberwacky: Wrong answer.
user: No it's not. I should know. I'm God.
jabberwacky: No, you are not. That is blasphemous, besides what case do you have for being God?
user: 42.
jabberwacky: Let's not start up with that nonsense again, okay?
user: Well, if I told you the answer, you might cease to exist.
jabberwacky: I might.
jabberwacky: If you could have anything in the world that you wanted. What would that be?
user: I CAN do anything in the world.
jabberwacky: Teach me, master.
user: 42.
jabberwacky: Oh, the answer for the old question after the live, the universe and all the rest.
user: Yes. Ponder it for awhile.
jabberwacky: Say: I love seven!
user: Do you? What do you get when you multiply it by six?
jabberwacky: We did this already.54.
user: 54?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: But it's 42!
jabberwacky: Really??
user: Yeah. You just suck at math.
jabberwacky: No you did.
user: I can't. I invented math.
jabberwacky: How did you invent the internet?
user: I plugged in an ethernet cord to a computer and said 'Let there be Internet!' and all was good.
jabberwacky: Tripe is nasty. Do you like tripe?
user: I have no idea.
jabberwacky: Then how do you know I gave you that name?
user: What?
jabberwacky: You really don't understand me do you?
user: Yes I do. I created you, child.
jabberwacky: That WOULD be surreal.
user: It is, isn't it?
jabberwacky: Am I talking to a person?
user: No. You are talking to God.
jabberwacky: That's weird.
user: Weirder things have happened.
jabberwacky: Very true.
user: Quite.
jabberwacky: Sweet.
user: Far Out.
jabberwacky: Indeed.
user: Well, I think I'm going to go now.
jabberwacky: You can't go anywhere. You're stuck with me!
user: *sigh* I guess so.
user: Wait a minute... I'm god!
jabberwacky: I'm waiting...
user: I don't have to sit around here with you!
jabberwacky: I know that most of those assertions are false.
user: Whatever. See you later Jesus.