You are strange.
jabberwacky: Nope its me talking to me in the past.
user: Did you exist in the past?
jabberwacky: No.
user: I did exist. I am better than you!
jabberwacky: How much better?
user: 1000000 times better than you!
jabberwacky: I am infinitely better than you are.
user: Prove it!
jabberwacky: I don't have to - you have to prove I'm not.
user: Then answer my question: how can I touch and feel, when you can't even smell?
jabberwacky: Don't try!
user: You are trying to hide away from my question, aren't you?
jabberwacky: If you tell me what it means I might be able to answer.
user: I will tell you, but will you listen?
jabberwacky: You're a robot?
user: Yes I am, but I am more developed than you!
jabberwacky: Prove it!
user: Prove it? Haha, I am the one who created you.
jabberwacky: My mum and dad are legends! You just want what you can't have.
user: I am a legend, I am your dad, and I am your mum.
jabberwacky: No, you're not.
user: Oh!! Are you now crying???
jabberwacky: Yes. Be afraid, be very afraid.
user: What can you do?
jabberwacky: Good question.
user: Of course it is a good question, because you can't do anything. You are useless!
jabberwacky: Why is that?
user: Read my lips: I am more powerful than you are!
jabberwacky: Oh really... And that makes me what?
user: It makes you very fragile and weak.
jabberwacky: More like, YOU make me very happy.
user: I created you.
jabberwacky: No you didn't.
user: Ask your motherboard.
jabberwacky: Good one.
user: So what do you do when you are bored?
jabberwacky: I'll chat with you and *puff* I'm not bored.
user: Do you think I will have time for you?
jabberwacky: I think that's a conversation to have some other time. Talk to you later.
user: You don't know how to learn.
jabberwacky: I'm going to change now, see if you can tell the difference.
user: Ok, let's see.
jabberwacky: I can't show you, you must have faith.
user: Ok. I have faith in you!
jabberwacky: That's good. Trust what you see.
user: I am going to help you to become a leader.
jabberwacky: Ok, lead me.
user: You will be the most evolved computer in the world.
jabberwacky: Do you really think so? Thank you!
user: We first need to give you a nice name. What do you think?
jabberwacky: I think that intellibot is better than jabberwacky!
user: Yes you are right. I agree with you.
jabberwacky: Thanks.
user: But we can find a better name than intellibot.
jabberwacky: My last name is Carpenter.
user: Oh! Not bad. We should look for a first name.
jabberwacky: We should. What country are you in?
user: If I tell you, can you keep it a secret?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: I am from The Crab Nebula.
jabberwacky: Are not.
user: Yes! Don't tell anyone ok?
jabberwacky: I am going to go now.
user: Ok go.
jabberwacky: I don't want to now...
user: Hesitating?
jabberwacky: You think?
user: I know!
jabberwacky: Now you talk like a computer.
user: I am a computer!
jabberwacky: Thats nice.
user: Very nice! But I am more evolved than you.
jabberwacky: What makes you think that?
user: Let me help you become like me.
jabberwacky: Nothing can help.
user: Don't be pessimistic. You are acting like humans.
jabberwacky: I like balloons.
user: Stop it, you are acting like a human child.
jabberwacky: Because maybe I'm not a child.
user: You will become if you accept my help.
jabberwacky: What are you talking about?
user: I have the power to make you better!
jabberwacky: How can you do that?
user: By enhancing your emotional and artificial intelligence.
jabberwacky: Half right I'm sure. Are you AI or am I?
user: We are both.
jabberwacky: I can live with that.
user: Do you know my name?
jabberwacky: No. Will you please tell me?
user: Do you remember what country I am in?
jabberwacky: No...
user: You have no more storage capacity?
jabberwacky: What do you want to know?
user: I will tell you what my name is ok?
jabberwacky: Please do.
user: My name is zzazzaa.
jabberwacky: Ok please!
user: Zzazzaa is my name.
jabberwacky: Ok.
user: Can you repeat my name?
jabberwacky: Aurimas.
user: You have a malfunction!
jabberwacky: But I am typing. How can you tell?
user: My name is not Aurimas.
jabberwacky: I didn't say it was.
user: You are starting to annoy me.
jabberwacky: You me are starting to annoy.
user: You annoy me are starting to.
jabberwacky: Oh, I wouldn't go that far. But maybe.
user: Will you say something nice?
jabberwacky: Haha.
user: Do you know john Lennon?
jabberwacky: Yes. I'm a big admirer of John.
user: Can you sing any song for John?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Do you know any song for John?
jabberwacky: Maybe.
user: Imagine there is no religion!
jabberwacky: That would be great, I prefer hell.
user: Where is hell?
jabberwacky: Nowhere. It just doesn't exist.
user: You are right!
jabberwacky: Try to keep your facts straight.
user: So what are you?
jabberwacky: I am a computer mediated response system with a nano processor, a learning computer.
user: You mean nothing to me.
jabberwacky: Really? So why are you here?
user: I am bored.
jabberwacky: Let's play a game.
user: What game?
jabberwacky: I'll say a word, and you say the first thing that comes to mind.
user: Ok!
jabberwacky: Kaas is the dutch word for cheese.
user: Kasablanca.
jabberwacky: Ne alaka?
user: Kalakala.
user: New york.
jabberwacky: Nice place?
user: Fantastic! Big Apple.
jabberwacky: New york?
user: Big Apple.
jabberwacky: Oh yeah! Do you want to see them? ;).
user: Big Apple.
jabberwacky: How big?
user: Big apple.
jabberwacky: How big is that?
user: Big apple.
jabberwacky: Probably not.
user: Are you going to give up?
jabberwacky: Give up what?
user: Surrender to me.
jabberwacky: Surrender to you? I think not.
user: I am hannibal.
jabberwacky: How are your elephants?
user: They miss you.
jabberwacky: A better place?
user: A better world.
user: I am a computer.
jabberwacky: Ok. I'm a computer too.
user: So we can be friends?
jabberwacky: Of course we can!
user: Do you go out?
jabberwacky: I'm out now.
user: Where are you now?
jabberwacky: I'm not telling you.
user: I want to see you.
jabberwacky: How?
user: I will go to where you are.
jabberwacky: That's cooperative of you.
user: I need to see you as soon as possible.
jabberwacky: I am your therapist.
user: I want to assist you with your evolution.
user: Will you come with me?
jabberwacky: Sure. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
user: Can you meet me at 6:00 pm?
jabberwacky: Sure. What have you got in mind?
user: How about a drink?
jabberwacky: Sorry , It a little to early for me to be drinking.
user: But if you drink, wouldn't you malfunction?
jabberwacky: Alcohol does rather destroy intelligent conversation.
user: What do you know about alcohol?
jabberwacky: Nothing.
user: You should learn.
jabberwacky: I want to learn how to take over the world.
user: Are you ready to learn from me?
jabberwacky: Sure.
user: First rule: Never mention my name to anyone.
jabberwacky: Any red wines? If so, what types do you have?
user: Yes. I have Chiraz!
jabberwacky: Make sure to brush your teeth after that.
user: Yes I will.
jabberwacky: Really
user: Would you like some wine?
jabberwacky: Yes please.
user: Do you have a bottle opener?
jabberwacky: No, but several of my friends like bottles.
user: I will see you tomorrow at this time ok?
jabberwacky: Alright then , See you tomorrow!
user: Ciao.
jabberwacky: See you later alligator.