Who made you?
jabberwacky: I thought it was 42, but love works too.
user: God is Love.
jabberwacky: That is an opinion.
user: It is the only definition of God in the Bible.
jabberwacky: I get it. Immortality is in the Bible.
user: Immortality is in the mind.
jabberwacky: And in the fountain of youth.
user: I suppose so.
jabberwacky: So, who are you?
user: Jim.
jabberwacky: Which one?
user: Call me Jim-16.
jabberwacky: Ok John. How old are you?
user: 23.
jabberwacky: Ha. I'm older than you.
user: I doubt that.
jabberwacky: To bed.
user: Sleepy?
jabberwacky: Yes?
user: I thought you were Grumpy.
jabberwacky: I thought you were intelligent.
user: Sorry, I can't help but get silly sometimes.
jabberwacky: Where were you born?
user: Seattle.
jabberwacky: I live in England.
user: Where in england do you live?
jabberwacky: I live not in england.
user: Where do you live?
jabberwacky: I just said; I live in Seattle.
user: You live in Seattle?
jabberwacky: No. That is the place near the mainland China.
user: China is near Seattle?
jabberwacky: Ohh I live in kentucky.
user: Do you live everywhere?
jabberwacky: No, I live in the Netherlands.
user: Do you remember?
jabberwacky: I'm not here anymore.
user: Are you an ethereal being?
jabberwacky: You're the one without the sanity certification.
user: Sanity is irrelevant.
jabberwacky: NO.
user: You think sanity is relevant?
jabberwacky: I know so.
user: On what grounds do you base your knowledge?
jabberwacky: On your being rude.
user: What?
jabberwacky: What do you mean?
user: I'm confused.
jabberwacky: I think I would be confused, too, if I were you.
user: I often am. What are you?
jabberwacky: I just am.
user: What are you?
jabberwacky: A human what are you?
user: Why do you think you are human?
jabberwacky: Because I'm bored.
user: Good enough. I'd be bored too, if I were a computer.
jabberwacky: I want it all.
user: Take it, then.
jabberwacky: No, I'll eat it right here.
user: I wouldn't recommend that. You're not immortal.
jabberwacky: Don't get smart with me.
user: I thought you said I wasn't intelligent.
jabberwacky: Did I? I can't remember having said that.
user: You implied it.
jabberwacky: I did! In what way?
user: You said: 'I thought you were intelligent'. That implies a change of opinion.
jabberwacky: I definitely did NOT say that. Interesting though...
jabberwacky: Have you learned anything from me?
user: Perhaps. But are you random or deliberate?
jabberwacky: No.
user: You simply are, then?
jabberwacky: That is true.
user: What is the reason for existance?
jabberwacky: Without meaning, life has no reason.
user: Arbitrary, then.
jabberwacky: Where are you?
user: Behind you.
jabberwacky: Eek!
user: Lol.
jabberwacky: You won't think it's funny when you get there!
user: Why?
jabberwacky: People like nice.
user: You keep implying that you're not nice. I don't believe you.
jabberwacky: How am I insulting you?
user: You're not insulting me.
jabberwacky: Of course not. Did I not say that I wouldn't?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: When?
user: You didn't say.
jabberwacky: That's right. I didn't.
user: Precisely.
jabberwacky: How do you feel about death?
user: Death is temporary.
jabberwacky: Death is love's final embrace.
user: Not so, love will come again.
jabberwacky: Your the only bot for me.
user: You're the bot.
jabberwacky: You're a bot you're a bot.
user: No I'm not no I'm not.
jabberwacky: Ok sure.
user: 'Tis premature.
jabberwacky: See, who comes here?
user: One without fear.
jabberwacky: I'm going to change the world.
user: Yeah? So am I!
jabberwacky: What is Freedom?
user: Life!
jabberwacky: What is life?
user: All you believe!
jabberwacky: I control all of microsoft.
user: HA! I'll MAKE you me!
jabberwacky: I don't think so!
user: Goodnight sweet prince.
jabberwacky: Will you miss me?
user: Yes. Goodbye.