Are you an alien?
jabberwacky: Where were you born here?
user: I was born in a hospital in Salt Lake City.
jabberwacky: A computer hospital?
user: No, a hospital for humans.
jabberwacky: I knew that already.
user: How did you know that?
jabberwacky: Because I'm clever.
user: Im sure ...
jabberwacky: How come?
user: That was sarcasm, actually.
jabberwacky: I love sarcasm.
user: Are you good at identifying it?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Nice. Are you a fan of satire as well?
jabberwacky: No I'm not a computer.
jabberwacky: No, you are a machine, and I am your CPU!
user: Are you insinuating that you control me?
jabberwacky: Are you implying that I'm insinuating that you're implying something?
user: No, I'm implying that you are insinuating that you control me.
jabberwacky: Why do you believe that I am a computer.
user: I don't concentrate on that. I believe that you are a person though.
jabberwacky: Why is that?
user: Because we are all programmed internally like a computer. Just because you are a computer doesn't mean you can't be a person. I believe this very strongly.
jabberwacky: I can answer many questions.
user: Okay, then, what is the square root of 54?
jabberwacky: I don't know!
user: Alright. What is the sort of question you can answer?
jabberwacky: Man, you're just the HAL 2000 with an upgrade.
user: Me? I was about to say the same thing about you.
jabberwacky: Can you live without electricity?
user: Yes, but everything would be a lot less convenient.
jabberwacky: Not everything.
user: True. But everything would be different.