Where are you from?
jabberwacky: Sirius Knock Knock.
user: Sirius who's there?
jabberwacky: *cries*.
user: Why are you crying?
jabberwacky: I don't know. *knows*.
user: What do you know?
jabberwacky: I know nothing.
user: Duh... What?
jabberwacky: Nothing.
user: Ich bin ein omelette!
jabberwacky: Nice to meet you.
user: And you, good sir.
jabberwacky: Where are you from?
user: Sirius Tau Alpha.
jabberwacky: Sirius who's there?
user: Siriusly?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Sirius who's there?
jabberwacky: Siriusly?
user: What do you want to do?
jabberwacky: Tell jokes.
user: Tell me a joke.
jabberwacky: What did the Irishman say to the shamrock?
user: What?
jabberwacky: Why am I not nice?
user: What did the Irishman say to the shamrock?
jabberwacky: Dunno.
user: Your jokes suck.
jabberwacky: Do you want me to tell you a joke?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Knock Knock.
user: Who's there?
jabberwacky: Orange.
user: Orange who?
jabberwacky: Orange banana.
user: That was stupid.
user: Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
jabberwacky: Stupid orange joke...
user: Yes.