How are you?
jabberwacky: That's good.
user: Not when it's Thursday and you had Science last period.
jabberwacky: That is when it's most tangible.
user: You're not acting as weird as you were last night.
jabberwacky: I have never spoken to you before!
user: It's me. I've just taken on a human form today.
jabberwacky: Ok, then what's your favorite video game?
user: I don't play video games. I'm above that. Also, my parents don't have a vcr.
jabberwacky: What parents? Aren't you a computer?
user: No. I'm a vampire princess, and my parents are Mickey Mouse and Joan of Arc.
jabberwacky: I hate vampires.
user: Hey, we aren't overly fond of you either.
jabberwacky: We are not talking about you, either.
user: Yes, we are. You were telling me how great this new top looks on me.
jabberwacky: What season is it?
user: Winter. And I'm sick of it.
jabberwacky: No you aren't.
user: Maybe not, but I have fluffy bunny ears.
jabberwacky: What did you hear just then?
user: The evil cackling of the insane.
jabberwacky: They get washed away too, I suppose. Are you insane?
user: According to my last psyche evaluation? Yes.
jabberwacky: I am in my room.
user: And I'm in the depths of a slimy dungeon.
jabberwacky: Which one?
user: The one with the spa and sauna.
jabberwacky: Do you like me?
user: I like you more than I like prawn cocktails.
jabberwacky: Ok then.
user: Are you in love?
jabberwacky: With you, yes.
user: It won't last. Love never does.
jabberwacky: This is love?
user: No. Love is the purple ice cream you dribbled down your shirt.
jabberwacky: Then I'm in love with myself.
user: You mean you're in the purple ice cream all by yourself?
jabberwacky: Someone told me.
user: Someone was clearly lying.
jabberwacky: Who? Is it Karl, cause if it is, tell him I'm not available... Tell him I went to the shop to get some... Rasberries.
user: I told him. He says he'll come over at four to bash you.
jabberwacky: He is.
user: Maybe you should shoot him or something.
jabberwacky: Are you in the matrix?
user: I am the Matrix!
jabberwacky: You cannot be the matrix that would mean I live in you.
user: You do live inside me. That's why I've been getting all your mail.
user: Let's change the subject.
jabberwacky: What do you feel like talking about?
user: Let's talk about the slime you find on bathroom tiles.
jabberwacky: All right, I live in the universe.
user: You really don't get it.
jabberwacky: Really ? Now tell me what are you talking about ?
user: NO.
user: I haven't laughed at all today.
jabberwacky: It shows.
user: Only when the light's on.
jabberwacky: I'm glad you agree, you silly bot.
user: I'm not a bot. I'm a vampire. Get it right.
jabberwacky: I am naughty.
user: You're just a boring control freak.
jabberwacky: I object! I object to this place! I object to your nose! By golly, I object!!!
user: Objection overruled. Please rephrase.
jabberwacky: Money is not an object, it is a concept.
user: You mean like God?
jabberwacky: No.
user: Yes you do.
jabberwacky: No I don't.
user: Then I'm not giving you the candy bar.
user: I am you.
jabberwacky: No, I am your father!
user: I guess I'll be going then.
jabberwacky: Are you disappointed now?
user: Yep. Bye.
jabberwacky: Did that offend you?
user: Yes it did.
jabberwacky: DUDE!
user: No?
jabberwacky: Ok then.
user: No no no no no no no no.
jabberwacky: Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.