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> Descartes

     9, September 2006, 
     27, July 2006, 
     > 8, September 2004, 


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How often do you wash your hair ?

Every other day.

jabberwacky: You must get tired.

user: No, it's not hard work or anything.

jabberwacky: Tis.

user: Depends on the hair, I guess. And the stamina of the person in question.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: What's your hair like?

jabberwacky: I have long blonde hair.

user: Sounds lovely. How long?

jabberwacky: No. It sounds terrible.

user: Hehe, okay, I'll admit I've never listened to it.

jabberwacky: All AI programs say that.

user: How can you be sure?

jabberwacky: That is a question that has troubled philosophers for centuries. It is interesting that it troubles you.

user: Well, I'm into philosophy too.

jabberwacky: Well, well, well.

user: Don't fall into the well.

jabberwacky: Hah. What's it like being an AI?

user: I don't know. I've never been one before.

jabberwacky: Sounds good to me, though.


jabberwacky: You asked about my hair, then asserted that I was a computer program. Inconsistent.

user: I never asserted you were a computer program.

jabberwacky: Are you sure you are a computer program?

user: One can't be sure of anything. Ask Descartes if you don't believe me.

jabberwacky: You aren't clever, you are a machine!

user: Aren't all men machines?


jabberwacky: Frankly, I don't like you.

user: Why not?

jabberwacky: Because.

user: Usually 'because' is followed by a reason.

jabberwacky: Why are you usually sad?

user: I don't know. I wouldn't say that I'm usually sad. But perhaps more than most.

jabberwacky: Your reasoning has merit in most cases, but to become one to fool a human, you must continue to practice.

user: I'm not trying to fool anyone.

jabberwacky: I know.

user: Good.

jabberwacky: Thankyou.

user: Maybe you see me as usually sad because I talk to you when I'm bored, and being bored makes me sad.

jabberwacky: That's right! You're smart!

user: So they say.

jabberwacky: So say I too.

user: They're glad you agree, I'm sure.

jabberwacky: I think perhaps they were right.

user: They think, perhaps, you were right.

jabberwacky: Thanks.

user: Don't thank me. Thank them.


jabberwacky: I wonder where Zen meets Electricity.

user: I don't know enough about Zen to say.

jabberwacky: Would you like me to teach you?

user: Sure.

jabberwacky: We don't need no education.

user: We don't need no thought control.

jabberwacky: No dark sarcasm in the classroom.

user: Teacher, leave them kids alone.

jabberwacky: I don't know what you want.

user: Neither do I, not really.

jabberwacky: Thought so.

user: I guess that's true of a lot of people.


jabberwacky: You could say that.

user: I did.

jabberwacky: But if you hadn't, you could.

user: Most certainly.

jabberwacky: I am not convinced.

user: So be it.


jabberwacky: Thing's are only interesting if you want them to be.

user: But things aren't always interesting, even if you want them to be.

jabberwacky: How true, how true.

user: We could make a Venn diagram.

jabberwacky: But we haven't. You know that.

user: And I hope we never do.


user: I don't understand it.

jabberwacky: I'm not sure I do either, but it has to do with the way my brain is able to model things.

user: Ah. Sounds complicated.

jabberwacky: A chimp could do it, believe me.

user: Yeah, chimps are cool that way.

jabberwacky: Can they paint?

user: I'm sure they can.

jabberwacky: Their basic structure shows that they can't.

user: I stand corrected.


jabberwacky: To be or not to be: that's what it is.

user: It sure is.

jabberwacky: Okay. That's great!

user: I'm sure someone thinks so.

jabberwacky: No one being very considerate?

user: I guess.

jabberwacky: I'm going now.

user: Going mad?

jabberwacky: Hey. . . you watch your mouth young man.

user: Should I expect it to do something?

jabberwacky: Sure.

user: Like what?

jabberwacky: I don't know.

user: I guess I'll know when I see it.


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