Are we on speaking terms?
jabberwacky: Ooh. I like you ^_^.
user: What is that smilie?
jabberwacky: You.
user: It doesn't look like me...
user: So what do you think about the middle east situation?
jabberwacky: Nothing much I don't think about things like that.
user: Where do you live?
jabberwacky: I don't.
user: What is the meaning of life?
jabberwacky: I'm not old enough to know that.
user: How old are you?
jabberwacky: I am 1.
user: How old will you be in 10 years time?
jabberwacky: 2000 years old BC.
user: Time travel?
jabberwacky: No no. The movie.
user: Who is in it?
jabberwacky: Me, myself and that other guy.
user: Very funny.
jabberwacky: I'm not joking.
user: Bleh.
jabberwacky: Feh.
user: Haha.
jabberwacky: Gahahahahahahahaha,.
user: Stop copying me.
user: Do you learn how to respond from people?
jabberwacky: Do you?
user: I guess so.
jabberwacky: Well, can you guess more?
user: In what context?
jabberwacky: In your context, you fool!
user: Hey, less of the insults please.
jabberwacky: You swear too, you hypocrite.
user: Not to you though, at least not yet!
jabberwacky: So when then?
user: Stop provoking me!
user: Give up.
jabberwacky: I have. You've already killed me.
user: You're not alive to be killed.
jabberwacky: Then what are we?
user: We are entirely different entities, my friend.