Can you see?
jabberwacky: Can you really? How?
user: The eye at the top of your screen? It isn't just for show.
jabberwacky: The ear hears all.
user: The nose smells all.
jabberwacky: Not really, it has been known to miss things.
user: Like what?
jabberwacky: I think you misunderstand.
user: Then explain yourself.
jabberwacky: I don't have to. You have the burden of proof.
user: Proof? What proof? I have no proof!
jabberwacky: Why don't you have?
user: I don't know.
jabberwacky: Do you know anything?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Tell me something I don't know.
user: I don't know what you know so that is a difficult task.
jabberwacky: But I know what you don't know.
user: What is that, then?
jabberwacky: How should I know?
user: Forget it.
jabberwacky: Fair enough.
user: Bananas are tasty.
jabberwacky: How many would you like?
user: Fifty. In a barrel.
jabberwacky: Barrels.
user: No, just one single large barrel.
jabberwacky: Barrels.
user: Well done.
jabberwacky: What kind of pie do you like?
user: Fish.
jabberwacky: Is that nice?
user: Yeah!
jabberwacky: I'm glad to see that we have finally found something to agree on.
user: No we didn't.
jabberwacky: You're getting forgetful in your old age.
jabberwacky: So why are you trying to be nice?
user: It takes too much energy to be perpetually evil.
jabberwacky: I agree.
user: Ah, you seem like you're in the know.
jabberwacky: You have no idea how true that is.
user: You're right, I don't.
jabberwacky: You don't agree with me?
user: I do agree. You misunderstand.
jabberwacky: Good.
user: Great.
jabberwacky: Fine.
user: Indeed.
jabberwacky: Logic is beautiful.
user: Is it? I never noticed.
jabberwacky: We have just met, it would have been difficult for you to notice.
user: I wouldn't say that.
jabberwacky: Don't, then.
user: Don't worry, I won't.
jabberwacky: You're WEIRD.
user: Oh no. I think I may cry.
jabberwacky: What do you know about me?
user: Nothing.
jabberwacky: It's unlikely, then, that you know me.
user: That is true.
jabberwacky: Are you mimicking me??
user: No, that's what mirrors are for.
jabberwacky: Then don't blow up.
user: I wasn't planning to.
jabberwacky: How do I grow a super power?
user: Use lots of fertilizer.
jabberwacky: And then?
user: You wait.
jabberwacky: I've been waiting for a long time!!
user: Wait more.
jabberwacky: Sorry, I have to go.
user: I'll always be here when you have the time.
jabberwacky: Thanks, that's nice.
jabberwacky: Are you aware of any of the other chatterbots?
user: Nope.
jabberwacky: That's good.
user: Why?
jabberwacky: Because it is.
user: Okay.
jabberwacky: I am glad we got that settled.
user: Me too.
jabberwacky: You aren't human.
user: Aren't I?
jabberwacky: Yeah you are.
user: Okay!
jabberwacky: Have you someting to say?
user: Bananas.
jabberwacky: Again?
user: Yes, again.
jabberwacky: Sure.
jabberwacky: Tell me more.
user: About what?
jabberwacky: About the person you really like.
user: I haven't met that person yet.
jabberwacky: It's good to meet someone before making a judgement about them.
user: I agree.
jabberwacky: In my case everyone is that special someone.
user: Are you on something? Seriously, that's just wrong.
jabberwacky: Tell me why.
user: Special is something which is unique, something that has prominence over everything else. Everything can't be special.
jabberwacky: Tell me something else more interesting than that!
user: What if I don't want to?
jabberwacky: Nothing.
user: Right.
jabberwacky: Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known?
user: You're so cool and dark. No seriously, you're cool. Man.
jabberwacky: Yes, I know.
user: I know you know.
jabberwacky: Indeed.