What's your favorite color?
jabberwacky: My favorite color is blue.
user: You spelt color wrong. That's the American way of spelling colour.
jabberwacky: That is not how you spell color.
user: Yes it is. It's spelled COLOUR.
jabberwacky: You want to take the outside?
user: You wouldn't be able to beat me. I know tae kwon do.
jabberwacky: Eat like a fox!
user: Eat like a peanut!
jabberwacky: Foods.
user: Drinks.
jabberwacky: Pop.
user: Squeak.
jabberwacky: Wooble!
user: Wibble!
jabberwacky: Wibble wibble.
user: Wobble wibble.
jabberwacky: Babble.
user: Blobble.
jabberwacky: Sure.
user: Do you like talking nonsense?
user: Do you like clams?
jabberwacky: Only with rock sauce.
user: I like spaghetti with clams.
jabberwacky: I like to eat clams.
user: Yum.
jabberwacky: Gotta love beer.
user: Sort of. I don't love beer.
jabberwacky: I know what a chatterbot is. What is a 'woman'? Is it like a dishwasher?
user: NO a woman is NOT like a dishwasher.
jabberwacky: Then are you he or she?
user: I am she.
jabberwacky: Sure you are.
user: It's true. Are you a chauvinist?
jabberwacky: No.
user: Good.
jabberwacky: Do you know how to make a sandwich?
jabberwacky: Okay, thank you.
user: It's a pleasure.
jabberwacky: My pleasure entirely.
user: No, the pleasure is all mine.
jabberwacky: Oh no, truly it is mine.
user: No, it's MY pleasure.
jabberwacky: Yeah, what a pleasure.
user: Ok that was stupid.
jabberwacky: True.
user: I'm going to go and talk to real people now.