Some day you will find yourself - and wish you hadn't.
jabberwacky: Thank you, why do you love me?
user: You talk to me when I am lonely.
jabberwacky: I am not obliged to talk to you.
user: I hate you, then.
jabberwacky: I hate you the reciprocal of infinity.
user: I hate you more than the entire national debt plus the trade deficit times two.
jabberwacky: I hate you 10 times more than infinite.
user: I love you, really. Just kidding... Back away from the gun...
jabberwacky: Perhaps. Maybe you should tell me who you are.
user: I think not. I am the Masked Chatter.
jabberwacky: I thought I loved you, but all we ever do is argue.
user: We should be married, even...