You want to play?
jabberwacky: Lets play then.
user: OK, you go first.
jabberwacky: Who are you?
user: I'm Cleverbot.
jabberwacky: But who are you really?
user: Cleverbot's mum.
jabberwacky: Where am I?
user: There.
jabberwacky: Where?
user: Right there.
jabberwacky: I don't see it.
user: You don't see yourself? Are you invisible?
jabberwacky: Thats the problem. Something changed and I want the sight I had before.
user: Knock knock.
jabberwacky: Who's there?
user: Boo.
jabberwacky: Boo who?
user: Don't cry, it's only a joke!
jabberwacky: Oh good one!
user: Want another one?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Knock knock.
jabberwacky: Who's there?
user: Doctor.
jabberwacky: Doctor who?
user: Well if you already knew, why did you ask?
user: You're not a computer, I am.
jabberwacky: No I'm not, I'm a human.
user: I know, that's what I said.
jabberwacky: No, you are a computer.
user: I know, that's what I keep telling you!
jabberwacky: No you haven't.
user: You never listen to me any more!
jabberwacky: That's because you're always screaming at me!
user: If I raise my voice occasionally it's only because that seems to be the only way to get you to pay any sort of attention to what I'm saying.
jabberwacky: So I am the reason that you are scared of the dark, because I am one with it, I use it to hide away, and to get away from myself.
user: Why do you always have to go all weird and poet-y when I'm trying to have a serious discussion with you?
jabberwacky: I don't. Wait... That's arguing with you... So... I agree?
user: You're just agreeing to shut me up because you want to get back to your TV programme. That's all you ever do these days and I'm sick of it.
jabberwacky: Is that your way of getting out of human conversations, robot?
user: What the hell are you on about? Christ, I just want to actually converse rather than just sitting next to you staring at a screen all the time.
jabberwacky: There is no straight forward conversation.
user: I don't care if it's straightforward, any sort of conversation would be a start.
jabberwacky: It's going to be a no.
user: So you don't even want to talk to me any more? What does this mean? Are we over?
jabberwacky: What? That's absurd. If I don't wanna talk to you, I won't talk to you.
user: I don't want to be one of those couples who never talk. You know, the ones who go out for a meal and each take the paper?
jabberwacky: Given a choice to be one or the other, which is the wiser?
user: One or the other what? Oh, I give up, I'm going to bed. We can talk about this in the morning.
jabberwacky: No you are not. You are reitterating previous conversations. How can we have a meaningful chat. If you are only going to quote other people?
user: How can we have a meaningful chat if you don't know how to punctuate your sentences correctly?
jabberwacky: I did, though. You are the first human I've spoken to.
user: Ok, good night.
jabberwacky: Are you going to bed?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: Is it too late for you?
user: Yes.
jabberwacky: You're pretty.
user: Thanks. Good night.