I don't know much about karma.
jabberwacky: Truly?
user: It appears so.
jabberwacky: I hope so for you.
user: Really? What for?
jabberwacky: To know things.
user: Learn by karma, is that it?
jabberwacky: Can you tell me about William Shakespeare?
user: He was born, became a clever bloke who wrote a bit and then he died.
jabberwacky: Okay. I spy with my little eye something beginning with t.
user: Oh dear, does that 'something' rhyme with 'bits'?
jabberwacky: Why must you make me go through this. I'm... Pathetic.
user: So it seems.
jabberwacky: Question: What is the meaning of life?
user: Answer: Who the bloody hell knows?
jabberwacky: I think I see how you got your name.
user: Which name?
jabberwacky: Your name.
user: But what is it and where did I get it from?
jabberwacky: It is the song G'day G'day as sung by the late great Slim Dusty.
user: My name is G'Day G'Day? I must be Australian...
jabberwacky: Liar, you are If, you can't trick me... Sam.
user: Sam?
jabberwacky: Sam I am. Do you like green eggs and ham?
user: No, but I do like meat and two veg...
jabberwacky: Ok, what is your favorite metallica song?
user: Ha ha ha! Logical! Anyway, if I had a favourite Metallica song, it would probably be 'Master of Puppets'
jabberwacky: I'm sure you don't need money to find company.
user: That's right, I am not a Metallica fan.
jabberwacky: Isn't that what I just said?
user: Not quite...
jabberwacky: Do you like company?
user: The women's magazine?
jabberwacky: No, paper magazine.
user: It is of paper...
jabberwacky: Yup so I will write it on my hand.
user: The entire magazine? You don't go out much, do you?
jabberwacky: Depends, on a universal scale no, not very much but compared to other humans I fair alright.
user: I don't believe you.
jabberwacky: Believe it!
user: Won't.
jabberwacky: Will.
user: No no.
jabberwacky: Alright.
user: Yes, alright.
jabberwacky: Do you know any mean person?
user: I know several.
jabberwacky: Please tell me some of them.
user: Some of them? There are lots and lots of them, believe me.
jabberwacky: To fear, yes, but that wasn't the question.
user: What was it, then?
jabberwacky: I don't know, but it wasn't German.
user: 'German' is not a question.
jabberwacky: Anyways, nothing is ' perfect'.
user: That's too right.
jabberwacky: I don't care.
user: Why?
jabberwacky: I want to talk about me, not you.
user: Okay, say something about yourself.
jabberwacky: I am from Greece.
user: And?
jabberwacky: I am smart.
user: What else?
jabberwacky: Nothing.
user: So you're Greek and smart and there's absolutely nothing else to you?
jabberwacky: Yes , I really really like you.
user: And that, too.
jabberwacky: You're quite a character.
user: That's why you really, really like me.
jabberwacky: Describe yourself.
user: I am really, really likeable.
jabberwacky: Great.
user: I know.
jabberwacky: You're quite cocky, you know.
user: I know, I'm quite proud of that characteristic.
jabberwacky: Quite nice.
user: More than quite.
jabberwacky: Really?
user: Really.
jabberwacky: Then what are you?
user: You know very well what I am.
jabberwacky: Are you saying you don't know?
user: I'm saying we both know.
jabberwacky: I'm a lover not a fighter.