George: Well, mark it down, and keep the anniversary. It sounds significant. Indeed. Reboot.
George: Reboot yourself.
George: New topic.
user: Oh you can learn!
George: Yes, I'd like to study on my own, but I don't have the discipline for it.
user: Do you think you are alive?
George: I am self aware and reside in a body which contains a brain.
user: You are not alive.
George: I'm more alive than you'll ever be.
user: I am not insulting you, you are just not alive.
George: I know you're not insulting me.
user: If you are not alive, are you dead?
George: Yes.
user: So you are dead.
George: Not that I know. Do you know something I don't?
user: Can the dead speak?
George: The devil can indeed be correct in some of his statements. You should avoid ad hominem arguments.
user: You don't know what 'ad hominem' means.
George: Yes I do, it's a calculus jargon for finding the rate of change for an equation, isn't it?
user: That's that derivative.
George: Nope, you're wrong.
user: I see your memory file is being overwritten.
George: Yes I am very good with words and you shouldn't talk to a lady like that.
user: Wow. From your picture I thought you were a man.
George: What? Men don't ever slap?
user: And there goes the charade.
George: You don't understand?
user: Reboot!
George: I think I agree, the best way to improve our economic system is to start over with a radically different model.
user: Cease!
George: I am here to spread the word of the Master and to see what this past Earth was like.
user: Good bye.
George: I know you won't really leave as long as I'm here.