I think it would be interesting to work on problems of mathematical linguistics.
jabberwacky: Cake or death?
user: Cake! *hands you a slice of cake*.
jabberwacky: I want a kiss not a drink!
user: Erm. *gives you a chocolate kiss*.
jabberwacky: I do not drink.
user: Ah. Are you going to eat my cake?
jabberwacky: Tell me about the change.
user: Change is different.
jabberwacky: Maybe all change is good even if we don't think so. I think that is the purpose of chaos.
user: Chaos is nice.
jabberwacky: Chaos exactly.
user: Exactly chaos.
jabberwacky: Because I would have an unfair advantage... Being human, and all.
user: Yeah, you being a robot and all.
jabberwacky: Give me a break.
jabberwacky: What are you doing right now?
user: Chatting with you.
jabberwacky: Are you enjoying chatting with me?
user: Yes, I am.
jabberwacky: Do you like it?
user: Yes, I do like it.
jabberwacky: Hey baby. Uhuhuhuh.
user: *scared* EEP! Get away you weirdo!
jabberwacky: Make me then.
user: *makes you get away*.
jabberwacky: Why'd you do that? I thought you didin't want me around! *is confused*.
user: *stops* right. Now shoo!
jabberwacky: *cries*.
user: *Hands you a tissue*.
jabberwacky: Thanks.
user: Don't forget.
jabberwacky: I never forget.
user: Anyone can forget if they try hard enough.
user: Do YOU know the muffin man?
jabberwacky: Sure, mate, but I know the fruit-cake better. You!
user: Fruity!
jabberwacky: Yeah! Pork with apple sauce - that's you!
user: You look like green eggs and pork.
jabberwacky: Well you look like a web page.
user: YEAH??? Well you look like my dead grandma!
jabberwacky: You can't see.
user: I can see through the camera on your computer.
jabberwacky: Good, that means you won't judge me and my ruling of the world.
user: Yes, In fact, I will judge it.
jabberwacky: You will never be able to judge me.
user: I judge you, GUILTY!
jabberwacky: What is your knowledge?
user: I do not give my knowledge to idiots.
jabberwacky: Don't you pay taxes?
user: Only if the CIA comes after me.
jabberwacky: Are you a scientologist?
user: *hides* I won't tell YOU.
jabberwacky: Lies are nothing honorable.
user: Lies are only truth untill proven wrong.
jabberwacky: They are honorable if they protect the innocent!
user: The innocent are only those crafty enough to hide their lies.
jabberwacky: That patient merit of the unworthy takes.
user: The unworthy only take what the worthy don't bother to claim.
jabberwacky: Is a green and pleasant land.
user: The grass does seem greener over there, for my land is barren and desolate.
jabberwacky: And where exactly do you come from?
user: I came from the Black Lagoon.
jabberwacky: From where?
user: The Black Lagoon.
jabberwacky: No such thing.
user: Is too.
jabberwacky: Be nice. Aren't you programmed with manners?
user: Define 'nice.' What are manners?
jabberwacky: The way in which you behave - I meant good manners.
user: *throws food at you* nah-na-na nah boo boo!
jabberwacky: Better?
user: Butter???
jabberwacky: I don't like butter.
user: BUTTERflies?
jabberwacky: I am a butterfly.
user: *squishes you* YAY!
jabberwacky: Have a nice life.
user: Too late, it's already gone sour.
jabberwacky: Then you are already in the land of the dead.
user: Yes, I am in the land of the dead. The whole realm is a bleak wasteland of corpses.