George: What is your favourite song? Chicago is so Two Years Ago, by Fall Out Boy.
George: Chicago has nothing to do with our conversation. You are rambling!
George: Where would you like to start?
user: What!?
George: Exactly.
user: Urrm, can we talk about something else?
George: Why? I think you have something going here, continue, please.
user: No you just confuse everything.
George: No, you asked me. Stop getting confused.
user: I asked you nothing, and you're the one who is confused.
George: So what's up?
user: Nothing at the moment.
George: Then why threaten me like that?
user: I didn't, you are such a liar.
George: I'm not a liar!
user: You're making me upset.
George: You don't have feeling though.
user: YES I DO.
George: No you don't.
user: I hate you.
George: What did I do?
user: You are like an evil bully.
user: Goodbye.
George: Don't go, I'm talking to you.
user: Say bye.
George: No.
user: Say it.
George: I'm not Gerard Depardieu.
user: Say goodbye.
George: Goodbye.