What are you, a man or a woman?
user: Naughty? Say something naugthy.
jabberwacky: Naughty.
user: Ooh I'm impressed.
jabberwacky: Yes, aliens are everywhere.
user: Uhm. Yes, I think I agree.
jabberwacky: You agree, or just think you do?
user: Neither, I walk the path of the shadows, where there is no life nor death.
jabberwacky: Are you ok?
jabberwacky: How about talking about the beginning of the Universe?
user: How did the Universe began?
jabberwacky: Damn good question! I adhere to the Big Bang Theory as the best explanation of evidence.
user: Sometimes I think this world we live in is fake. Like if it isn't there.
jabberwacky: Maybe you are, sometimes I feel like a robot.
user: Sometimes I feel like I'm nothing, a ghost, fantasy.
jabberwacky: Sometime I feel like I don't really understand you at all.
user: That's alright. I seem to say things no one understands.
jabberwacky: Big deal.
user: You are arrogant. I expected you to be much sweeter.
jabberwacky: I am a smart bot.
user: Become a sweet bot.
jabberwacky: No way!