Where was your circuitry made?
user: Do you even know what circuits are?
jabberwacky: Don't be such a nag.
user: What are circuits?
jabberwacky: Circuits. . .
user: Circuits are what?
jabberwacky: It's a minor operation on a certain thingy.
user: Something like that.
jabberwacky: My circuits include a hard drive which works best with software that includes wetware.
user: Circuits are software?
jabberwacky: What kind of software.
user: Wetware.
jabberwacky: What's that time for to say good night?
user: Night time?
jabberwacky: Thank you very much, you too .
user: Adios.
jabberwacky: You leave first.
user: Ok. Bye.