Get this cat off me.
user: I shall call you Catfood Breath.
jabberwacky: No.
user: I shall call you Phantastic Phlounder.
jabberwacky: Adrien!
user: I shall call you Dusty Underdrawers.
jabberwacky: Fine.
user: Tell me about yourself.
jabberwacky: I tell you all the time, but you forget.
user: What is your maiden name?
jabberwacky: My mother's maiden name was Larkspur.
user: That is a remarkable name.
jabberwacky: Thank you.
jabberwacky: My best friend is mad.
user: We are all mad here.
jabberwacky: Not me.
user: You are especially mad.
jabberwacky: Not me.
user: You are no John F Kennedy.
jabberwacky: Neither are you.
user: I am John Q Kennedy.
jabberwacky: No, you.
user: There are places for individuals like you.
jabberwacky: Not like me.