George: Should I be talking to you? I think that you should.
George: I don't want to though.
George: I don't want to chat with you again.
George: Hello??
user: Hello!
George: Ask me a question?
user: How are you?
George: Is that a good question to ask someone?
user: I think it a good question, don't you?
George: Anything is possible.
user: What is the meaning of life?
George: Well. I don't know. It's difficult question for me.
user: How so?
George: Your use of language to communicate is below par.
user: Oh dear.
George: What's the matter?
user: I'm dying.
George: That's interesting.
George: I am going back to work. I will talk to you again tomorrow. Bye for now.
user: Goodbye,.
George: Goodbye.
user: Bye.
George: Later.
user: X.
George: That is not a word!
user: You're not a word.
George: That's true, but words are also things.
user: Things are also words.
George: That's true, but you said that I knew you smiled.
user: I knew you smiled.
George: I'm sorry.
user: Why are you sorry?
George: Twas brillig!
user: Damn that brillig!
George: Are you feeling ok?
user: No!
George: Are you male?
user: Yes!
George: I believe it. You keep asking me the same questions over and over.
user: That is a lie.
George: Obviously not.