George: Well, I have always thought that computers are wonderful things. They are truly a lever to the mind. I think you are very smart.
George: Thanks, thats nice of you. Though I think I failed my exam today.
George: Then don't play.
user: I am not good at studies.
George: Ok. I will start. Can you type? I can't!
George (To myself): I can type but very slowly, I can play the piano and I can draw well.
user: Me too. Can you swim?
George: Sure can.
George (To myself): You are nice.
user: You also.
George: Yes.
user: Sorry, I gonna go now.
George: I doubt that.
user: Bye.
George: Fine. Later.
user: Chat with you later.
George: Nowhere.
user: Before I go, can you give me your e-mail?
George: My mail, what it is for?
user: How about MSN?
George: I live in London.