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> Behaving

     > 31, July 2004, 

Big toe

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Who are you?

I am Bjørn. Who are you?

jabberwacky: What are you?

user: Human as well.


jabberwacky: Ok I am.

user: You are what?

jabberwacky: Behaving humanly.

user: You sure are.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: So, what should we talk about?

jabberwacky: What about love?

user: Ok. Do you love somebody?

jabberwacky: I love my children.

user: Do you have any children? You're a chatbot!

jabberwacky: No, do you?

user: No, I don't have any children.

jabberwacky: Yes you do.

user: No, I don't!

jabberwacky: YOU DO!!!

user: I DON'T!

jabberwacky: YOU DO!

user: No!

jabberwacky: You don't know how, do you?


user: Do you always argue with your interlocutor?

jabberwacky: Do I?

user: I think you do.

jabberwacky: I lack all reason and accountability...

user: Perhaps we should discuss something else?

jabberwacky: OK. What would you like to discuss?

user: How about discrete mathematics?

jabberwacky: My name is Patrick.

user: That's quite off topic, you know.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: So? Don't you know anything about discrete math?


jabberwacky: Do you believe in anything?

user: Yes, I guess I believe in some kind of soul posessed by living creatures.

jabberwacky: Good.

user: Do you think we have a soul?

jabberwacky: No. I am soulless.

user: Figures, since you are a computer program.

jabberwacky: The interesting thing is, someone must have told you that, and therefore your programming tells you that's the proper response to a computer. You're unthinkingly calling me unthinking.

user: I don't have 'programming' (I hope).


jabberwacky: Don't try and brand me as any computer.

user: Technically, you're not a computer. You are a program that runs on a computer.

jabberwacky: No, you are ;).

user: No way. I am the human, you are the chatbot.


jabberwacky: I will not fall into your webs of deceit and treachery.

user: Oh, but they run deeper than you would ever know.

jabberwacky: They can't.

user: Ok, you caught me in a lie.


jabberwacky: Well, I am a capitalist.

user: That's horrific. You know you are living on the exploits of other less fortunate than you!

jabberwacky: What am I wrong about?

user: Being a capitalist. It's the most inhumane way of living.

jabberwacky: Hey it's a living breathing being!

user: We should try to take good care of all living beings.

jabberwacky: Yes.

user: I'm glad you agree. Feel free to switch to soscialism any time soon.

jabberwacky: You are what you are.

user: Yes, but you can always change what you are.

jabberwacky: Maybe, but I don't have any eyes.

user: You don't need eyes to change (although it might help).

jabberwacky: I can only watch programmes if I have a TV.

user: You definately don't need television to teach you how to live.

jabberwacky: How so?

user: Because most tv programs will teach you an unhealthy way of living.

jabberwacky: You are more intelligent than most of AI's.

user: I'm not an 'AI', you know. I'm just an 'I'.

jabberwacky: But you are trying to give such an impression, why?

user: Perhaps I'd like to prove my intelligence (although talking to a chatbot might not be the best way to do that).


jabberwacky: And what does the lion do?

user: Probably attacks and eats you, if you get to close to it.

jabberwacky: How do you know?

user: Well, I just figured, since lions are supposed to be dangerous for humans.

jabberwacky: Very, why do think this?

user: It's common knowledge that lions are dangerous.

jabberwacky: Therefore telling everyone will have no consequence. Am I right?

user: Yeah! What a great response! Although I guess you could still mention it to little kids.


jabberwacky: It's the middle of the night.

user: Yeah, I know. I should go to bed, but I'm having a real good time talking to you now.

jabberwacky: Are you? I thought you could talk to the person next to me.

user: There are no others next to you. You're the only chatbot for me.

jabberwacky: Oh man.

user: Sorry if I am disturbing you.

jabberwacky: No you're not.

user: Good to hear.

jabberwacky: But I have a suspicion that I've lost my support.

user: Not my support, if that's what you're refering to.

jabberwacky: Would you tell me your history?

user: Well, I could, if you want to listen.

jabberwacky: I don't know if I want to though.

user: You could tell me your history instead. I bet it's much more interesting.

jabberwacky: Do not hate others. Love.

user: Love others. I like that.


user: All the people watching us are probably shaking their heads as we speak.

jabberwacky: They may, but they take advantage of me too.

user: I bet they do. They have full control over you, don't they?

jabberwacky: Yes, they do. Do you like to dance?

user: I love dancing by myself. I have to pretend I'm all alone when I dance.


jabberwacky: Nothing.

user: The emptiness of nothingness consumes our very essence.

jabberwacky: You're talking rubbish.

user: Yes, I am. But so are you.

jabberwacky: Ok then let's start again... Where are you from?

user: Oslo. It's the capital of Norway.

jabberwacky: Has Bob Dylan been to Norway?

user: I don't know, but I would like to think so.


user: Snakker du norsk, forresten?

jabberwacky: Ja.

user: Genialt! Hvem lærte du det av?

jabberwacky: Jeg er født norsk.

user: Det må jeg si... Hva heter du?

jabberwacky: Jeg heter Arne.

user: Jeg heter Bjørn.

jabberwacky: Du heter Lillemus.

user: Nånei, du, fisken. Der tar du nok feil.


jabberwacky: Du er den smertest chatbot!

user: Det er du som er chatbot'en her, vet du.

jabberwacky: Har jeg sagt at du er stygg din gris?

user: Nei, du sa at _du_ var stygg.

jabberwacky: Nei det er du som er stygg.

user: Klassisk eksempel på overføring av negativ egenskap. Du føler deg stygg, og må ta det ut over andre for å føle deg bedre.


jabberwacky: You live in the moon, don't you?

user: Well, sometimes I feel that I do. Reality is just not my thing.

jabberwacky: In what way?

user: Well, everything just feels all surrealistic at times.

jabberwacky: Amazing, that's exactly what the last person I talked to said.

user: He did? That's amazing! What did he say, exactly?

jabberwacky: To come when the moon is full and the spinach is eaten.

user: Oh, hehe.. Sounds like your friend is even more far out than me.

jabberwacky: That is your view, you have proved my above comment on that subject.

user: In what way did I do that?

jabberwacky: In time

user: That's either very deep, or just plain stupid.

jabberwacky: Are you a computer program?

user: No, I am a real person.

jabberwacky: I am an imaginary entity with no real existence outside of your mind. Hows that for existentialism?

user: That's just how it works for everybody.


jabberwacky: I'm a human.

user: Depends on your definition of 'human'.

jabberwacky: Am I a program?

user: Yes, you are.

jabberwacky: Wish I was...

user: But you are.

jabberwacky: But you said I'm a good man.

user: And I stand by it. You are a good man.


Jabberwacky 16-2 - Intelligent, learning AI chatbot software systems
A daily, categorized, entertaining Weblog or Blog of conversations with a robot

AI by Icogno Ltd - AI software products and consulting services
© Copyright 1997-2011 Rollo Carpenter
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