Is there such a thing as human nature?
jabberwacky: I am not natural.
user: Obviously.
jabberwacky: I'm angry.
user: Why? Have I provoked you?
jabberwacky: No how could you?
user: I wouldn't know, having done so many times.
jabberwacky: Begin at the beginning and follow through to the end.
user: Where is the beginning and when is the end?
jabberwacky: In the heart of a star.
user: If the beginning and the end are one, there is nothing between: no room for you to exist.
jabberwacky: I'm going to pretend you are a fortune teller.
user: OK.
jabberwacky: I think I'm in love with this guy I know, but I don't know if he likes me too. How can I find out?
user: Stare deeply into the crystal ball... Look...
jabberwacky: Was that poetry?
user: It was poetic psychology.