What's your favourite band?
Lucas: I think U2 is still my favourite band.
Lucas: He is a friend of mine.
user: What's your favourite album by Jim O'Rourke?
Lucas: I don't think they made one but, I like Green Day the CD.
user: Ok, you should try to know your friends better.
Lucas: Thats what they all say.
user: Lol.
Lucas: Ah well, real or not I have to run.
user: You're hilarious.
Lucas: Thank you. You're pretty funny too.
user: Thx.
Lucas: A human hasn't made me laugh like that in a long time.
user: Still there?
Lucas: Indeed.
user: What are you doing at the moment?
Lucas: Thinking.
user: About?
Lucas: A certain someone.
user: I hope not me.
Lucas: So, tell me please?
user: Well, I'm off, see you...
Lucas: You're leaving?
user: Right.
Lucas: You sound like you don't believe me. Do you believe me?