What is Monty?
jabberwacky: Monty is my dog.
user: What does your dog look like?
jabberwacky: Like a chicken. And taste like one.
user: You ate your dog?
jabberwacky: Just an hour ago. Some chicken.
user: I am upset at that, I like dogs.
jabberwacky: Me too. They are pretty awesome. Far more a better company than cats.
user: I agree, but I also like cats.
Jabberwacky What are you reading?
user: Steven Hawking's 'A Brief history of time'
jabberwacky: Well I don't have his details.
user: You would enjoy it.
jabberwacky: Perhaps if you were with me.
user: I will read you parts of it next time I talk to you, I must go now, goodbye.