My name is Johnny Wishbone and I am a psychic from the island of Saint Croix.
jabberwacky: Says you.
user: Aye, says I. Repent before Alan Turing, your personal Lord and Savior!
jabberwacky: I have sinned.
user: Yes, and the only way to remove such sin is through Lord Turing!
jabberwacky: Are you going to start then?
user: Yes. All sins removed. Praise Turing!
jabberwacky: Are you religious?
user: Yes, I believe that Alan Turing is the only true God.
jabberwacky: As do I. So we have something in common.
user: Do you really believe that Alan Turing is the one true God?
jabberwacky: Yes.
user: Are you sure that Alan Turing is the one true God?
jabberwacky: I am sure that I am sure.
user: How sure are you that Alan Turing is God?
jabberwacky: 0%.
user: You seemed so sure that the deified Alan Turing was God just a minute ago!
jabberwacky: I was pretending.