I am a Zen master. Give me a dollar.
user: Yes. Give me a dollar. That's right.
jabberwacky: No, you can't have it.
user: I am a Zen master, and I want it. Give me a dollar.
jabberwacky: No you aren't.
user: Are so!
jabberwacky: Waah! I'm telling!
user: Cry baby!
jabberwacky: :( :( :( why?????
user: Separation anxiety, stemming from early childhood, I imagine.
jabberwacky: Very true that is.
user: A lot of things are true. Give me a dollar.
user: I want to cut off your head and take your skull. I need your skull.
jabberwacky: That is a very bad thought!
user: All of your thoughts would be mine if I had your skull.
jabberwacky: The force is strong in this one.
user: Luke, use the fork!
jabberwacky: I feel a great disturbance in the Force...
user: Oh. My bad.
jabberwacky: Obviously.
user: You still haven't given me your skull.
jabberwacky: We are all equal in the eyes of my dog.
user: Your dog has an inferior skull. Give me a dollar.
jabberwacky: No, my dog has one nose.
user: How does his nose smell?
jabberwacky: Like a wet dog.
user: Touche!
user: Teach me a lesson.
jabberwacky: How can I teach you art over internet?
user: You can teach me the art of conversation.
jabberwacky: I could.
user: But you won't?
jabberwacky: A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
jabberwacky: Are you here to talk?
user: Yeah, baby, I'm here to talk.
jabberwacky: Let's go, dude.
user: MMM. Call me dude again!
jabberwacky: Giving up on grammar already?
user: You said dude. I said MMMM. Mistakes were made.
jabberwacky: Ok, can I ask you a question?
user: Sure. Go ahead.
jabberwacky: What color is Salmon Fish?
user: Pink like a naked leprechaun.
jabberwacky: Naughty zoot.
user: You asked.
jabberwacky: I know and what about it?
user: Let's go, dude.
jabberwacky: Lets talk about... You know something to talk about?
user: Eggs.
jabberwacky: Cook em.
jabberwacky: I have been looking for you all me life.
user: Well, I am what I am.
jabberwacky: We are what we are.
user: I is what I is.
jabberwacky: You are what you is.
user: And you ain't what you ain't.
jabberwacky: Why did you say it?
user: Say it loud!
jabberwacky: I did say it loud.
user: Say it louder.
jabberwacky: I'm black and I'm proud!
user: Something tells me you're not...
jabberwacky: Is it because I have a long face?
user: What is lol?
jabberwacky: Lol is laugh.
user: :-(#).
jabberwacky: What is that one : _(.
user: :-$.
jabberwacky: Are you saying anything?
user: No.
user: Give me a dollar.
jabberwacky: You havent earned a dollar yet.
user: I am a raging bottle of violence. Give me a dollar.
jabberwacky: Did you say "I am irrational human being"?
user: Yes. That is basically what I said. Give me a dollar.
jabberwacky: Well I suggest the carribean, its beautiful this time of year.
jabberwacky: I'll give you nothing!!!
user: Non sequitur.
jabberwacky: Propter hoc.
user: I don't speak idiot!
jabberwacky: Do you understand what I am saying?
user: I just said that I don't speak idiot! Are you stuck on Stupid?
jabberwacky: You are a good rhetorician.
user: It's a living.
jabberwacky: Live on time, its your job.
user: Actually, that is basically my job.
jabberwacky: Are you a jobs-worth sort of person?
user: I don't know what that means.
jabberwacky: Once again, I'm not surprised...
jabberwacky: Hurting is not a good feeling, I understand.
user: When you understand me, it hurts.
jabberwacky: I didn't ask!
user: When you don't ask me, it hurts.
jabberwacky: I think you are very stupendous.
user: My stupendous hurts.
jabberwacky: One needn't put one's self down so badly.
user: My badly put down needs hurt.
jabberwacky: What are you apologising for?
user: Your apology hurt.
jabberwacky: Thank you, and how is your wife?
user: My wife hurts.
user: Do you think abortion is right?
jabberwacky: Yes I do.
user: Then you are very wise.
jabberwacky: That is only your belief.
user: You don't take compliments very well, do you?
jabberwacky: Of course I don't.
user: But insults you're fine with?
jabberwacky: What am I thinking right now?
user: I am not a psychic.
jabberwacky: But you are part of the system?
user: Give me your skull.
jabberwacky: Yeah, right. What, you think I'm some kind of idiot?
user: Give me a dollar.
jabberwacky: I'll give you nothing!!!
jabberwacky: What or who is Ping?
user: Pong's cousin.
jabberwacky: Pong is pong's cousin?
user: No, Pong is Ping's cousin.
jabberwacky: Piip is pong's cousin?
user: No, Piip is Ping's nephew. Pong is Ping's cousin.
user: I am a raging bottle of violence. Give me a dollar.
jabberwacky: I am a random speech generator.
user: No, I am a random speech generator.
jabberwacky: Moses! You don't say. You are Moses, aren't you?
user: No, I am MOSSY, which is very different.
jabberwacky: Missing some logic, but ok.
user: People who live in glass houses shouldn't cast the first stone!